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Bacon Fun Times {Recruiting} Active Clan Full Of Fun Helpful People [Recruitment Closed]|


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Clan Name: Bacon Fun Times


About Us:  We are an active Storm clan with a bunch of experienced members. We enjoy playing Warframe (no S#&$) and participating in clan events. New players are always welcome to join; we are willing to aid and teach. Our dojo is big and clan tech research is complete.



Chibis by: Regain




What we expect from you:

1. Be active and participate

2. Be social (Don't ignore everyone and play by yourself all of the time, we want to get to know you)

3. We expect you to be friendly and mature (age does not matter)

4. Respect other members, the clan, and the chain of command

5. Contribute to the clan (Dojo buildings, research, decorations)

6. Be a team player (Don't exclude anyone)

7. Keep up to date with the clan by reading the Message of the Day (MOTD) regularly in Clan Chat.

8. Have Fun :D



What we DO NOT want:

1. Leechers (People who join the clan only to obtain resources and clan tech weapons)

2. Trolls

3. Disrespectful players

4. Players who are not respectful to other members beliefs, opinions, etc.

5. Racist and Sexist players

6. Discussions about religion and politics (this can offend some players)



Server password: butts

Channel password: therock


Twitter page: https://twitter.com/BaconFunTimes


Keeping BFT Active: We remove inactive members based on your amount of activity and participation; not simply based on login. If you are removed and wish to join back message our Twitter page. If you play the game on a regular basis and interact with clanmates you will not need to worry about inactivity.


Note: Be sure to check your in-game Contacts>Clan tab to see if you have any pending invites that you need to clear first.


Warlord: Mr.Lube

Generals: Nickelshark, AphexGaming, PrakatusPrime, Omni_Omega

Edited by Mr.Lube
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