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You Have Been Disconnected From Group


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read this thread: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/201093-u124-failed-to-connect-to-server/


There are two major error's that have surfaced with patch 12.4.4 which correlate to these errors:


Can't save progress (your match progress will not be saved)

Can't connect to server you will be logged back in --- then you reset and start over


If you simply get to the end of the round and only get the "you have been disconnected" that simply means that either the host or all the other people in the party have left that mission area and the party has disbanded.  They aren't kicking you, they are simply leaving to play something else or somewhere else or perhaps just went to the menu's to play with new mods or setups.


The most common time for the group disconnection is the end of the mission as everyone has gotten their loot and can move to whatever they wish.  If it were to happen during a game you would either not notice as the rest of the group stays or the host leaves and you would see the "host migration" as it tries to reset the game using one of the remaining players connection.

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