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Construction Feedback


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I've got a few gripes with the construction/deconstruction process.



-It's hard to tell just how well a room will fit in compared to everything else, when the only preview is a tiny slice of the minimap. A grid system would do wonders for this.

-A build mode. Just give me a mode that lets me put down multiple rooms without having to run all over the dojo. An overhead view utilizing a grid system that simply lets you select rooms and plonk them down where you want them. The reverse would also be nice, both for rooms and decorations.

-A swap button. Just swap one room for another without having to destroy, I.E. upgrading from one clan hall size to the next.



-The two hour deconstruction timer. I understand it being there in case a member with Architect goes a little nuts, but if I'm the Warlord, it should be instant. I'm remodeling my dojo to prep for U13, and this timer is just making it take forever.

Edited by Vargras
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