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Grineer Or Corpus?



I wasnt around during the huge event where you had to pick Corpus or Grineer so Im not sure how this whole thing is working right now, I couldnt really find anything regarding the alerts involving it.

Anyway, should I be worried about what I pick? Or should I just go with whatever has a more useful Battle Pay? Im worried if I choose the wrong side at the end of the event I wont recieve a reward due to siding more with one side than the other.

If theres a page for this event, please link it to me because I must be blind if I didnt find it.

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4 answers to this question

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or if u need the brakk or the detron. If u fight for corpus, the g3 will spawn and drop brakk parts, but if u fight for grineer, the harvestor will spawn and drop detron parts. U decide based on the battle reward and which one you need. 

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Well the event isn't going on anymore, so I'm not sure what you mean by worrying about not getting something at the end of the event. If you mean the battlepay, just do the required number of runs for the battlepay you want, and don't do any for the opposing side.

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Well the event isn't going on anymore, so I'm not sure what you mean by worrying about not getting something at the end of the event. If you mean the battlepay, just do the required number of runs for the battlepay you want, and don't do any for the opposing side.

I was just curious if this was anything like that event, since I couldnt find anything about it anywhere else. Thats all. So I was worried picking a side would possibly mess things up.

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