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My Ideas Behind Better Gameplay Experience In Warframe.


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<p>I want to keep some things clear about this.  These are not fully mine own opinions nor ideas. These are opinions that I have gathered from listening and discussing with friends. Also, I am not the best at expressing myself in a organized manner. so bear with me as I bounce from subject to subject at points<br />

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First. Warframe definitely looked interesting coming out in closed beta, so I jumped when it went into open beta.  Since that time I've grown more and more cynical about this game and I hate to feel this way about any game.  These feeling I feel are derived from the lack of any real game progression. I mean sure: get equipment, level equipment, rinse and repeat. there is no difference in early-mid-end game content, its all just game.  There is no progression of story or of overall skill to make you feel devoted or accomplished in your cause.  There is also no real interaction with the Tenno as a faction outside of your 4 man missions and the region chat.  Your thrown out of cryostasis into a world you do not know with no memory of your past and the only knowledge your armed with is this: lotus good, everyone else must die.  I understand what Digital Extremes was going for with this. However, Tenno are human, as are your player base. </p>

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<p>         What I mean by this is the Tenno may not want to blindly follow the lotus killing what could be good people morally. For example: Tyl Regor, I felt no real desire to kill this man. He wants to find a cure for his people's genetic disability and the reason I was given to kill him was: Tenno. Kill.  Now obviously there was more to it I mean we were told he was a mad scientist but some people could perceive Nichola Tesla as a mad scientist and he wasn't such a bad guy was he?  Back to my original point: the Tenno are masters of stealth and deception on top of killing. They aren't mercenary's. they have morals and thoughts of their own. Unless the void did a little more than scar their bodies and put them on a permanent life support armor suit but also altered their psychology; I am unaware of that.  My point here is that the lore isn't progressing. In the better part of a year the only real lore we have found is the stalker codex entry and the bits and pieces brought back from inferences.  And who is the lotus. I mean for assumptions sake: shes a AI. for all we know she could be a orokin command AI who controlled a fourth fleet and was for some reason unpersuaded to join the Sentient AI in their rebellion against the orokin.  or she is a orokin. or a tenno. maybe the sentients themselves were aliens that met the ancient humans and possessed advance uplifting technology; allowing them to uplift species to a sentient status and therefore creating civilizations through the galaxy. The orokin could've been the aggressors. and their only way of offensive technology were the infestation virus. so the sentients uplifted the virus into the (debatable but almost certainly) hive minded borg creature virus you have running rampant today.  the problem with all this is its all speculation; its been a year. I think the tenno will be able to remember what happened that put them all into stasis in the first place by now.<br />

             why am I saying all this? expand the lore. you have implemented a codex. great. it doesn't really explain much either. I mean, most people don't even know that we travel through space via the solar rail system that links planetary systems together. Where do we even get most of the warframes anyways I mean if they are originally orokin built. why are their prime versions.  I mean you wake up in a "new model" you could say. at least have people wake up in the original prime Frames that the orokin had built for the tenno themselves if the new frames we can get from bosses in the game are built by the lotus. if not then I guess you could say the prime versions are prototypes that were never mass produced. but that is also speculation. not fact. (moving on because im just going in circles here)</p>

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<p>      When I talk about interaction with other tenno, I mean to talk about seeing not just your clan mates every once in a while in the dojo and seeing who has the better Brakk build.  I mean real interaction, seeing a lone tenno trying desperately to stop a grineer galleon from expanding their influence into corpus space. Or stopping at Solar rail station to pass by other tenno ships slipping by under the radar.  this is a topic my friend and I have dubbed the warframe black flag or eveframe online build.  We know the tenno transport around on these little tear drop ships docking and infiltrating ships to "keep the balance" of the solar system (a very unmotivating goal and causes us as players to lose what we feel is the honorable warrior and more of the lone merc. selling our swords to whoever the lotus sees fit (or whoever pays us in orokin cells).  We figure the world map is on the interior of these ships but the ability to walk around these mysterious ships is unknown to us. whether it just closes and we are held fixed permanently in that position and the map is just a neural link. sorry im getting back to lore. back to the eveframe build.  what we propose is instead of a map with all these connections between places in a solar system.  Actually put us at the helm of these ships. Let us fly around a persistent world following orders from there. give us more freedom to fly around and fight how we want to.  Here are the key features I propose to build around</p>

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<p>-Objectives: lets face it. we need some direction and the lotus can serve as that by still alerting us to certain threats in the sector and surrounding sectors: grineer and corpus trying to take control of anothers ships, a Grineer official is being transported on a galleon near you, a infested ship has entered this sector, purge the virus before it can do too much damage.  as a free roam persistant build of the game  tenno will be able to coordinate with other tenno in the sector to attack and manipulate the balance of power in the sector. these new objectives would be strange as mobile defenses and defenses would be strange to implement other than they be planetary missions and a sort of minor raid (like a small void tower mission I suppose).  raid missions themselves would make a return as the lotus points out grineer ships that may be carrying pieces of technology that belong to the tenno (alt helmets, parts for Vauban, etc) rescue missions would pop up as a dynamic part of the tutorial where access to the void by a non tenno is detected and you have to go and fight your way to the new player who is just trying to survive. or you may find AI tenno in random ships brigs.  You may also want to raid a ship for resources from a cargo bay but no one else is around and you cant take on this ship by yourself, so you go aboard, hack the ships navigation, other tenno in the area get pinged to help you and can see the galleons flight path.  In preparation or just to make it easier. you can go through the ventilation system dodging booby traps and emissions as you go and sabotage the artificial gravity. you then proceed to use mag boots (or some other batman toolbelt piece of tech)  and run your way along the ceiling floor walls who cares its all the same when gravity is disabled. shoot your gun for propulsion even (probably bad idea). run through while grineer float around helplessly and shut down the engines. the other tenno arrive and you break into the cargo hold to reap the rewards of resources. till ya know...back up gravity generators activate.  but you get the idea. Exterminates wouldn't really be a mission objective. you could do it for fun. unless the ship is infested, then extermination is the only option.</p>

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<p>-Fixed Built ships:  the randomly generated tilesets are a cool concept. but in this build they will have to take a back seat on the random generation and have a fixed schematic of the ship itself. obviously ships themselves will be pretty big so it wont be horribly boring. but what im going for with this is you fly your ship up to a grineer ship. you may have activated a stealth module to avoid detection or they detected you and your ship may have taken a couple hits from AAA. either way you board the ship anywhere on the hull. your ship lasers through the hull and drops you in. whether that's in cell block 4 (which would be hilarious if you boarded the ship to only be inside a cell...unless that was your way of rescuing a AI tenno (rescue mission objective)) or on the bridge. obviously you wouldn't be able to land anywhere but to be able to choose from a large variety of deployment options would be cool.</p>

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<p>-Planetary systems: planet systems wouldn't change when it comes to objects in the solar system. If you were to go to a grineer station its going to have a name obvi. but what happens to planetary missions like phobos and the new earth as well as Jupiter.  they could retain the random tileset generation and become a kind of raid mission. you go and find a tenno pod or some new piece of tech. or your trying to gain a key to enter the void. or you just need a huge amount of resources stolen.  mobile defense missions and defense missions will take up residence here.  lastly in each system is going to be a bunch of traffic by grineer, corpus, or both (obviously) and a solar rail station. use the station to go to a new planetary system. to get to mercury from earth: go the the station leading to venus and then go to the one leading to mercury.  every once in a while you may come across a infested ship or two grineer galleons raiding a huge corpus transport. maybe you want to take one of those grineer out of the fight and let the corpus escape. you shoot down a couple of the breach torpedos and then proceed to cut into the grineer ship and infiltrate to the center of the ship, destroy the reactor. and gtfo while the grineer ship explodes behind you.  maybe the grineer got a fix on your position on sensors. so they get more soldiers to you, and when that doesn't work they close it all off and start venting atmosphere. luckily you have a friend maybe who can override from a remote console and isn't detected because all the grineer attention is on you.</p>

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<p>these are just some skeleton ideas. orokin derelicts and towers would be linked to void keys. whether you want to introduce void gates as a in game occurance that you find randomly or a building you can build in your dojo? I'm not sure.</p>

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<p>lastly. the tenno as a faction are not really all that flushed out. we don't have anybody to base tenno behavior off of. we have heard mention of tenno diplomats (im tentative about this but I think the vay hek mission mentions sympathizers and delegates)  also where are tenno taken after they are awoken. I mean now they just pass out (before you were just transported to the map with whatever frame you decided to have) and you are teleported to the map with your chosen starter frame. I mean wtf. did the lotus just undress you and shove you into a new suit or something.  At this point however I cant see all the tenno just killing all the time. some of them must have retired back to a sactuary of a sort. those that aren't part of a dojo. or is the dojo a part of a huge tenno tower that stores all the dojos in one place. I don't know but it'd be nice to know. I get not know anything about the past but the present would be nice. I mean compare the description between the Spectra and the Flux Rifle. one is "a simple laser tool used for mining but has shown a aptitude for cutting through flesh" and the other is "a Corpus laser rifle with the safety's off"...just sayin.</p>

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<p>K...now im done.</p>

Edited by SaKaul
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Lore is going to be introduced. 

From what I can tell, you kill the Grineer so that they won't be able to establish a Grineer empire that rules over everything with a iron fist. 

Now, you may argue that Tenno kill ruthlessly, but we strive to find a balance. We kill both Corpus and Grineer, both we don't seek to exterminate them from existence. The Tenno believe in co-existence.

That's pretty much the reason why we participate in Invasions. We are free to choose who wins. If you fight for a better paygrade, that's your choice. If your fighting for balance, that's also your choice. In the end though, the Lotus tells the Tenno that they ultimately have a one and only purpose: To establish "balance" in the Origin System. 

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its stated multiple times in the wall of text that the main point is to keep the balance however you want. my personal opinion is that its a not a very motivating ideal. however it is still the center point of how you decide to proceed when faced with helping a corpus warship exterminate a grineer station. or defending the grineer in there honorabruness.  I realize I didn't explain very well how this will impact the games and systems but it would be safe to assume it would still serve the same purpose as the invasions do now which is control how many of each faction is present in the system. obviously mercury will be perma grineer and whatever is perma corpus is just that. but my personal feeling is that the motivation of keeping balance is not emphasized enough for it to be more motivating to the player than just fighting for whoever has the biggest pay grade and that to me puts more emphasis and implication that the tenno are nothing more than mercenaries when we know much better than that to be true.

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