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Is It Just Me Or Is Psamathe Really Hard?



So I have been trying to do this boss fight to get some control modules so I can get some decent mods on my weapons. My only problem is how difficult this boss is. I have tried to do it solo, I didn't even last 30 seconds. Then in groups of randoms, we didn't even last a minute. Maybe its just that I suck at this game (which I do) and my team does as well. But it seems like they just do so much damage, they have a decent amount of health, just the large lighting one can kill you in one combo, ect, ect.


Did anyone else have this problem, or am I just bad?


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So I have been trying to do this boss fight to get some control modules so I can get some decent mods on my weapons. My only problem is how difficult this boss is. I have tried to do it solo, I didn't even last 30 seconds. Then in groups of randoms, we didn't even last a minute. Maybe its just that I suck at this game (which I do) and my team does as well. But it seems like they just do so much damage, they have a decent amount of health, just the large lighting one can kill you in one combo, ect, ect.


Did anyone else have this problem, or am I just bad?


Ah yes, the Hyena Pack.


Sadly I haven't fought them since their debut. Back in the day it was just one Hyena, and he was kind of a pushover.


your best bet is check out the wiki. http://warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Hyena_Pack Should give you some pointers on how to take em out. My initial guess is to backtrack to a narrow hallway so you aren't cornered.

Edited by SoulEchelon
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The bad part of it in my experience is that the Hyena Th renders you unable to use abilities and a lot of their attacks are guaranteed stuns, so it's either you pop an end-all ability right off the bat, or you better hope you're hot sh*t with your run-and-gun.

Edited by Guest
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The best way i've found to beat them during my couple scan runs is to 'divide and conquer'.

While the pugs get slaughtered without strategy, you run in the small hallways with one hyena following you and kill it.

rinse and repeat for the other 3, if you can fit in a couple team reviving all the better.

of course there must be some trick with warframe powers you can use to easily kill them, rhino stomp and ironskin were useful to me, but were not game-breaking. maybe a lot of bastille will do the trick, the problem is you got to precast this stuff before you get your energy drained.

Edited by CubedOobleck
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The bad part of it in my experience is that the Hyena Th renders you unable to use abilities and a lot of their attacks are guaranteed stuns, so it's either you pop an end-all ability right off the bat, or you better hope you're hot sh*t with your run-and-gun.

Yeah, the Th makes the battle unfair. I don't mind its ability to remove your energy, but it should be like a charge/slash dash attack instead of an aura.

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Just soloed it as Valkyr. Yeah definitely tough. I really didn't want to use Hysteria, but with both the bosses and the minions chipping down my hp even with my extremely high armor rating, I had little choice.


Safest way to defeat them is to goad them into a hallway as I stated earlier. They tend to spawn in large areas that are perfect for their zany parkour abilities. Forcing them into a somewhat enclosed space is a great idea. I also suggest hacking a terminal nearby to turn off the reinforcements before you fight them. At the very least you'll have some time before a random minion turns it back on during the fight.


I think the real problem is - we don't know what warframe you're using. If it's Excal, your best bet is to try and use Slash Dash defensively. Use it as a dodge and don't let yourself get cornered. If you're Loki, stick to using his Invisibility and Decoy. Use them in conjunction with your guns so you don't get targeted immediately. Also a good idea to revive teammates while invisible as well. If you're using Mag, crush works wonders in keeping them from moving too much.


As for weapons, try using stuff that has high Puncture, and if you have them, mods that give Radiation (Fire+Electric). Robotics are weak against those. If you don't have Fire, use Electric. If you don't have Electric, use Cold.

Edited by SoulEchelon
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Shield Polarise works wonders against them. My tactic for the Davro alert (where they were introduced) was to shield polarise to remove all their shields and deal some damage then one hit them all with my Vectis. 

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