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Orokin Void Resource Drops


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The Orokin Void drops , Alloy Plate. Rubedo Gallum and Control Modules. Im sure most of you have more of these than you will ever need, and your stockpile will only grow bigger and more useless, i currently have 200k alloy plates 10k rubedo and 500 control modules, yet many of us are still struggling to keep on top of requirements for resources like neurodes neural sensors and orokin cells. There is a really easy way DE could fix this. Instead of making ALL the void drop these make only T1,T2, or T3 drop these and the other 2 tier will drop other rescources so we now have less useless rescources and a bigger variety of others, this will definintely have a impact on how much everyone farms for rescources. Or to create a bigger variety and have a bigger impact on farming they could change rescources dropped dependant on the mode.


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