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Measure Their Hate - Death Marks Suggestion


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Hey all,

Wasn't entirely sure where to put this, so I just jammed it here. This post is dealing with the Death Marks system, in particular the marks for The Harvester and The Grustrag Three.


Now, as many of you know, Death Marks are given out for these two entities when invasion missions are completed for either side. The message generally reads, and I'm paraphrasing here, "You supported our enemies, we're sending our elite assassin(s) to come and kill you."


Now, when a death mark is handed out by either side, you have a 2% chance to have the assassin (Harvester or G3) spawn in your mission. If you're with other people you can have up to 8% chance of them spawning. In the event that you complete more invasion missions for either side, it would stand to reason that you are a bigger threat to that faction. In this event it would also stand to reason that you would have a higher chance of having the Elite Assassin(s) spawn in your mission.


My suggestion is this; If you complete more invasion missions for one side, your threat level for the opposing side should go up, with it, your chance to have an assassin (or assassins) spawn on you. This effect would be limited to a 10% per person max after doing five invasion sets. Meaning that the total maximum for a team to have a chance to spawn either faction's assassin(s) would be 40%. This would make grinding in hope for a spawn far less lengthy and more enjoyable, as long as you can kill them.


tl;dr: Make death marks stackable to 10% per person.


Let me know what you think in the comments section below.

Edited by JathaalDeath
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While in a normal situation I would agree, this is in regard to the Brakk and Detron. These weapons, from what I understand, are not trade-able in parts and cannot be bought off the market. They would still be somewhat troublesome to obtain, with having to kill either the Corpus or Grineer assassin(s) and them having a not guaranteed drop rate, but they would still be easier and LESS of a pain to get your hands on. Other than that, thank you for the +1.

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What about stalker?



Stalker marks already stack. and his spawn is really easy to trigger if you know how it works

If you don't know how it works

Just go to a boss mission and read the lotus message at the beginning. If it says you've been contracted with a mark then kill boss, if not abort and repeat til you get a mark. Do this with all the bosses and you'll have a lil more than 14 marks, (counting phorid and lephantis) 

Doing this method with 4 players and then doing multiple 5 minute survivals on, For example keeler-saturn and you'll get one in less than 5 runs. 

I've done this with almost 13 of my clannies and it works every time. 

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Stalker marks already stack. and his spawn is really easy to trigger if you know how it works

If you don't know how it works

Just go to a boss mission and read the lotus message at the beginning. If it says you've been contracted with a mark then kill boss, if not abort and repeat til you get a mark. Do this with all the bosses and you'll have a lil more than 14 marks, (counting phorid and lephantis) 

Doing this method with 4 players and then doing multiple 5 minute survivals on, For example keeler-saturn and you'll get one in less than 5 runs. 

I've done this with almost 13 of my clannies and it works every time. 




I didn't knew someone found out how his system works......

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So, just a little shameless self bump. I kinda think this needs some attention. I mean, if you do more invasions against a faction, it would stand to reason that you become a bigger threat and as such are in need of being assassinated.

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Alright, now I can see we have some interest in the idea, let's talk balancing. How much should each mission set after the initial invasion set actually boost your chance of having a G3 or Harvester spawn? Is 2% fair or is it too much or too little?

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