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Grustrag 3 Are Bugged So Brakk Is Unobtainable


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I am not sure how many people this is affecting but twice I have beaten the G3 and the game will freeze the instance they drop Brakk blueprint.Sorry but this is unacceptable considering how much time and effort goes into finding them and actually getting them to drop a Brakk part.If anyone can let me know how to upload screen shots so I can show you the proof.As for me Brakk is all I have left to get and if its unobtainable for me then warframe will be no longer played.To date since December 26, I have invested 620 hours and $250 so it would be nice for DE to respond this time on how this can be fixed.


Just to clarify I have beaten them 15 times now with zero problems and almost always only drop mods,with the exception of one brakk receiver.Have used different warframes as well but for me if the blueprint for brakk drops the game freezes instantly,and warframe has to be restarted.

Edited by (PS4)smithandwesson1
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Heres whats been working for me.

1) Start playing solo(set it to solo play)

2)take your time you can easily miss them by running through

3)do not use a prime warframe

4)Have a secondary and melee weapon unranked or rank 1

5)do 5 invasions then 5 survival apollodorus after being marked(survival exit at 5 mins if no spawn),keep rotating

6)only do these maps until your done

By following these set ups they are spawning as fast as 1 after being marked,and no longer than 10 missions.In the last two days I have  fought  them 11 times doing this,but I still need the blueprint as they just dropped the barrel.

Anyways hope this helps and DE gets this fixed.

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I can't even get marked anymore after my first one. I got marked soon after the initial update and then I barely ran into them the other day. I had my Nekros and desecrated all three of them. Only got Natural Talent and Barrel Diffusion. After that, it just doesn't work anymore. Been siding with the Corpus far too long. Don't even like them.lol But I can't get marked after that very first one when the update came.

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I can't even get marked anymore after my first one. I got marked soon after the initial update and then I barely ran into them the other day. I had my Nekros and desecrated all three of them. Only got Natural Talent and Barrel Diffusion. After that, it just doesn't work anymore. Been siding with the Corpus far too long. Don't even like them.lol But I can't get marked after that very first one when the update came.

Are you sure you was the one who's deathmark got consumed when they came?

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