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More Video Options!


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Sup, the game looks great, runs great, nice amount of video options, but it seems there are a few missing. nothing major but would improve the game in more ways


- More anti - aliasing choice

all we have now is "anti aliasing = yes/no", we dont actually know what kind of anti aliasing is it, and some including me are too afraid to use injectors to get our preffered method of anti aliasing. the ones i would love to see is FXAA (i love this one, miniscule frame drop but nearly eliminates jaggies) and MSAA(2x,4x,8x,etc) options.

- Decal lifetime

some effects such as blood, bullet holes(does those even exist?), and all kinda stuff that makes the place looks like a warzone disappears too quickly, i hope we can increase the time later on. too bad corpse's lifetime will change how nekros ability works, because those disappears too damn quickly too

- Enviroment Details

not really needed, but some tileset drops the fps quite significantly(looking at grineer ships). would be nice if we can reduce the quality on those levels


i know people could make up more video settings, but those are the ones on my head right now, and i really appreciate you guys for adding particle detail setting. keep up the good work!

Edited by Babalenong
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- More anti - aliasing choice

all we have now is "anti aliasing = yes/no", we dont actually know what kind of anti aliasing is it, and some including me are too afraid to use injectors to get our preffered method of anti aliasing. the ones i would love to see is FXAA (i love this one, miniscule frame drop but nearly eliminates jaggies) and MSAA(2x,4x,8x,etc) options.


I'm pretty sure FXAA is the only AA option. On = FXAA. Off = No AA.


There definitely needs to be more options, or at least the ability to force options via the drivers. As it stands now, I cannot get any method to work except post processing injectors, which while great for performance, really don't match MSAA or SSAA in quality.


I'm getting 120-250 FPS with everything jacked up and it would be really nice to be able to trade some of this excess performance for better image quality.

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I'd also like selective motion blur. With motion blur turned off, plenty of effects are gone as well.

I don't want the whole motion blur package, I'd just like to be able to see my Sentinels pretty effects and whatnot.
(Also, it'd be nice if FoV had an actual number correlated to it. I hate when games just put a slider, it's annoying.)

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