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Drop Table Need Attention


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Hello!! here BroKoala

In my opinion and as far as i know a lot of players hate the actual drop tables by some reasons,

for example in Tower 1-3 survival you get morphics or orokin cell at 45 mins or worst you receive the Damn credits and that is very frustrating for me and i imagine that for a lot of players too,  well the materials would be nice but if they were more, for example at mins 35 you get 10 orokin cell´s!! that would be nice because it is a high time and at medium reward but get 45 mins for 1 morphic, orokin cell, or credit´s. let me say that suck and everyone hate it.

 Really drop table need to be fixed or changed in some way maybe by removing credits or incrasing the material rewards that would be nice and less frutrating.

At least the new prime drop table is good because it is hard to obtain but thats why it is prime right?.



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They don't really care. They have had thousands of suggestions for a long time, there are barely any changes done  - often they make things even worse.

All i hear from devstreams etc is " we know, we are working on it" - and that for like...a year now?

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