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Group Split Vote Bug


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Playing Infested Invasion on Venus.  Cypherean is an Exterminate mission, Ishtar is a Defense mission.


After completing Ishtar the squad on four Tenno voted on which mission to do next.  Three Tenno, including myself voted for Ishtar, the fourth Tenno voted for Cypherean.


After the countdown, the Tenno that voted for Cypherean was removed from the squad and the three remaining Tenno got queued together.


What happened:


The three remaining Tenno got queued for Cypherean, the Exterminate mission even though we had all voted to do Ishtar the Defense mission.


I know this because Cypherean now reads 4/3 missions complete after finishing the mission and Ishtar reads 1/3 complete.


What should have happened:


The three remaining Tenno should have been queued for Ishtar, the mission we all voted for.


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