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U13 Kubrow Hype Or No Hype?


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They look big enough to ride


Have you seen the infested lab?


The infested are much bigger in those tiny containers, than they really are. So the scale is pretty messy.


Kubrows won't be this big.

Edited by PotWalrus
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In the Orokin lab there was a holographic photo of one. Also the question was do we hype for them for U13 or wait for them until U14.

Just because you see them on the labs doesn't mean they will be released right away.

I'd love to burst your bubble, we've seen the Scoliac and the Embolist for a long time ever since the lab revamps before they were even released.

Edited by AVEOX
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You know, after Flappy Zephyr, I wouldn't be surprised if they did a really simple Kubrow Simulator, and I would be perfectly OK with that.


Just give the Kubrow a charge with knockdown effect and it would be perfect :D

I can just see grineer soldiers flying all over the room...

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Ok i am going to list the animals coming with Kubrow. (hopefully i am pretty sure they are coming with Kubrow)




Tenno Kubrow6ggM5.jpg



The second one is a wild Kubrow that is going to Earth tilesetLivestream24_Kubrow2.jpg




Greneer Kubrow which is going to be a enemy. HES SO STRONG! :oLivestream24_Kubrow1.jpg

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