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Escape From Level Bug. Earth Defense Tile Set.


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So on earth defense the pillars that are surrounding the defense objective do damage to you if you stand on them. As a result I started climbing up things to try and get a better vantage point. Found one place but it does constant electric damage to you when you stand in it. Then I found this place, a nice ledge to stand on but cant move very far on it.


As I moved around on it I managed to pop through the invisible wall that is there, Nothing interesting up there as another wall stops you from going very far but there is a little pocket you can move around in. Reminds me alot of the good old days on xbox live on halo 2. All the ways the devs put in to get out of the map and all the easter eggs they had hidden outside the map for us to look for.


Anyway heres a vid with it. I'm posting this because there is litteraly no advantage gained by going up there. Just a tall place to shoot from.




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Yeah, I got killed a bunch of times when I tried to take my sniper up to my favourite spot in that tile (above the defense objective)...
So sad...

Every time I use Tailwind from the ground on that map I die, whether intentionally up, or accidentally (not my fault I like to go fast...)

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