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Akstilleto Or Bronco Prime Against Corpus



So, i have both these weapons and i like both of them.


But which one is the better one for Corpus?


I have Boar Prime as a primary weapon against Corpus, which leads to bias for the AKStilleto.


What are your guys' opinions? AKStilleto or Bronco Prime?

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Wth? Both are secondary weapon. Akstiletto had low damage per shot. One level 40 plus heavy will drain your whole pistol ammo even on a fully modded Akstiletto. Bronco had low magazine and slow reload time. You will spending most your time reloading. Both weapon are mediocre at best.

Oh wait, you want a weapon for corpus. Who care about corpus? They easy anyway.

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Between the 2, I'd probably take akstilleto over bronco prime because you already have a shotgun as your primary. If you want a long range sidearm suited for corpus then marelok, magnus and vasto are better.

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Bronco Prime has no falloff. With all the multishot mods in, it has a pretty dense shot pattern and combined with seeker it can kill enemies a shockingly long distance away. Aim for extra-full choke mode.


It's a go-to secondary for corpus for me. Just set it up with double toxin, and a touch of magnetic and it'll sledge corpus down at very respectable ranges.

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