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Doubt About Dojo Rooms' Height



I'm rebuilding my dojo and I want to know if I can align (different floors) like this:



Two great packs of images to help dojo architects:





Edited by Khallisto
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Instead of making such a big and wide floor with poor access why not just make it across multiple floors?



He wrote on diffirent floors so, if iam correct first at top is the 1th floor, middle is 2nd floor and 3rd is well 3rd floor

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As the primary architect of my clan's dojo (and primary bankroller), I've wondered this a bit myself.


However, after recently building an elevator, I noted that it seems to extend further than I expected, leading me to believe that the difference between "floors" might actually be several stories contrary to what I previously thought. Even with the apparent height of the obstacle course (I'm assuming that's your massive 2nd floor room, correct me if I'm wrong) which seems to extend out of sight both up and down, it should fit within the vertical space of a floor.


I believe that rooms do not have any sort of height limitations, so your proposed layout should work without any issues. This will be interesting once the new dojo rooms in U13 hit, since some of them appear to have windows out into space, and yet probably wouldn't be affected be being (for example) completely surrounded by other rooms.


TL;DR: Go for it, I think it'll work.

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