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Trinity Needs To Be Nerfed Into The Ground


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You're just slow.

I play as Zephyr, and spent one of my games constantly zooming back and forth to the other players just to protect them, resulting in me getting 680 kills vs their 180, as they were all using lower leveled gear, so couldn't kill as much as I could.

It's simple enough to get a ton of kills, but if you just sit next to whoever is already getting them, obviously you'll have nothing to do.

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I just got out of one of the most disappointing survival missions ever.


This weekend the first time I've played Warframe in months, and I've dived back in gusto in anticipation of Update 13. For the most part I've had a lot of fun, grinding up some weapons and frames I've constructed during my sporadic log-ons.


But, after watching a Trinity keep up Blessing for an entire round, blowing herself up with Castanas, while Linking damage across the whole map I'm seriously doubting coming back for anymore. This was about the least "ninja" playing experience I've ever had, there was no danger, no one to kill, and really no real game play. I just followed the Trinity running back and forth to soak up the tidal wave of xp for the weapons that had on me once any other strategy just seemed futile. Over 20 minutes that player got 700+ kills, with the rest of team sitting at like 100.


While certainly effective, it was a fundamental disappointment. There is really no competing with eternal invulnerability and blowing up the entire map by proxy. Why even use the new melee system, when you can be a roamng vacuum cleaner of destruction.


While this was a high level (13 Mastery Rank) player, if this is the light at the end of the game play tunnel, I'm getting off now.

they'll nerf trinity when rhino finally gets nerfed.

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> cries that Trinity Link + Bless kill all the "fun" for him in Survival mission

> probably have no idea that Trinity by herself is the only way to run a successful long Survival (let's say 1h+ Nuovo)

> probably have no idea [2] that in terms of duration/energy balance, casting Link + Bless just on cooldown is still a lot of energy (even w/ Fleet. Expertise)


Tell me now OP do you really think i rely on something called "fun", when i wanna farm cores or test my weapon on a long Survival run?


Or i just wanna stay alive w/o failing the mission when getting roflspammed by Napalms[100] & Bombards[100]. Do you really think i care what method of killing i use in this situation? Do you really assume that i even care about my and my party killcounter in this moment?

Edited by Riccoshot
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I just got out of one of the most disappointing survival missions ever.


This weekend the first time I've played Warframe in months, and I've dived back in gusto in anticipation of Update 13. For the most part I've had a lot of fun, grinding up some weapons and frames I've constructed during my sporadic log-ons.


But, after watching a Trinity keep up Blessing for an entire round, blowing herself up with Castanas, while Linking damage across the whole map I'm seriously doubting coming back for anymore. This was about the least "ninja" playing experience I've ever had, there was no danger, no one to kill, and really no real game play. I just followed the Trinity running back and forth to soak up the tidal wave of xp for the weapons that had on me once any other strategy just seemed futile. Over 20 minutes that player got 700+ kills, with the rest of team sitting at like 100.


While certainly effective, it was a fundamental disappointment. There is really no competing with eternal invulnerability and blowing up the entire map by proxy. Why even use the new melee system, when you can be a roamng vacuum cleaner of destruction.


While this was a high level (13 Mastery Rank) player, if this is the light at the end of the game play tunnel, I'm getting off now.

I think is funny how a "Healer Frame" needs to be nerfed.  If you know HOW to play a frame, that frame is infinitely more powerful than the same frame played by someone that only knows how to "Run and Gun".  Seriously, GROW A PAIR and learn how to play your frame.  OH, and please stop *@##$ing about people that have spent the time to learn how to play the game and play their frame.  You Wuss.

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Wow, corrupted mods, tons of forma, and a potato have made something powerful!


Is this new? Not really. The guy simply found the best build for his Trin + Castanas and obviously wanted to use it to maximum effect. I don't see any reason to nerf her just because a player invested a lot of effort into making her as strong as possible.

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Wow, corrupted mods, tons of forma, and a potato have made something powerful!


Is this new? Not really. The guy simply found the best build for his Trin + Castanas and obviously wanted to use it to maximum effect. I don't see any reason to nerf her just because a player invested a lot of effort into making her as strong as possible.


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1. That's what you get for playing online with strangers.

2. There are other 'frames that have things which can be abused.

 A. Valkyr equiped with rage can keep going through hysteria and never die (as long as you kill)
 B. Rhino can have nearly infinite iron skin with energy siphon

 C. Nova can constantly clear rooms with m prime, quite easily (not quite sure on this as I haven't used her in a while)
 D. There are probably more I don't know about


3. Trinity already got a rework, so I doubt they will go back and do it all over again.

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I just got out of one of the most disappointing survival missions ever.


This weekend the first time I've played Warframe in months, and I've dived back in gusto in anticipation of Update 13. For the most part I've had a lot of fun, grinding up some weapons and frames I've constructed during my sporadic log-ons.


But, after watching a Trinity keep up Blessing for an entire round, blowing herself up with Castanas, while Linking damage across the whole map I'm seriously doubting coming back for anymore. This was about the least "ninja" playing experience I've ever had, there was no danger, no one to kill, and really no real game play. I just followed the Trinity running back and forth to soak up the tidal wave of xp for the weapons that had on me once any other strategy just seemed futile. Over 20 minutes that player got 700+ kills, with the rest of team sitting at like 100.


While certainly effective, it was a fundamental disappointment. There is really no competing with eternal invulnerability and blowing up the entire map by proxy. Why even use the new melee system, when you can be a roamng vacuum cleaner of destruction.


While this was a high level (13 Mastery Rank) player, if this is the light at the end of the game play tunnel, I'm getting off now.


I got bored leveling my castanas jeez >_> i only just recently started using link to prevent knockdowns but before you nerf the only usable skill on trinity why not fix the other 3 first I would not mind a cheaper heal that actualy works an energy vampire that atualy helps and a more useful link ment only for survival I hate having attack skills on trinity even if they are so indirect

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If you are a rank 13, you shouldn't need to play with people really, and should definitely not be complaining about them, as they probably are lower ranked and are just trying to get by.


OP was commenting that the Trinity murdering everything is rank 13. I think it's pretty reasonable to complain about someone entering a mission at near-max mastery in gear that's upgraded out the wazoo and nuking everything with a health bar before any of the other three players on their team can land a hit on it, considering that a cooperative game implies that the entire team is able to cooperate... If they're that powerful, yes, they SHOULD be playing on their own instead of cutting back other people's fun.


It's also a problem that branches to many alt spamming frames like Saryn, Oberon, Rhino and Nova. Trinity's invulnerability is a powerful thing, make no mistake, but if we are going to call out this issue of "It takes the fun away", as OP is suggesting, I think we need to stop pointing at one frame as a problem and look at ultimates as a whole.


I honestly can't remember the last time I saw a Saryn, let alone one using Miasma. True, ultimates tend to be powerful, but in Trinity's case it's not so much 'this power kills a lot of things' as 'this power makes you completely invulnerable and allows you to propagate damage you haven't actually taken to nearby enemies through self-immolation.

I'd personally find it hilarious if DE decided the simplest fix to Trinity was to make Blessing no longer prevent self-inflicted damage, or for Link to only be able to propagate damage that actually had an effect on your shields or health. Either would make all the problems go away without really being detrimental to the intended playstyle (please note Trinity was released well before any weapon that COULD inflict damage to the wielder by blast radius - I think at this point Trinity's basically getting by on abusing something that could have just been an oversight when Ogris came out and has steadily gotten worse).


I see so many nerf threads these days. Before we focus on making things that are overly useful less useful, can we focus on making things that suck  more useful? I'm talking about buffs. There are a few frames (not going to say any names, less angry replies that way) that just aren't very useful. Can we focus on them BEFORE we nerf the frames that people actually use?


Probably not, because buffing other frames to Trinity's current position would involve giving them ways to become completely invulnerable whilst retaining full mobility, with no damage cap or actual disadvantages. That might get a little silly.

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Firstly i really hope that wasn't me in game with you fellow Tenno


Now i play Trinity alot she was my second crafted warframe (my all time fave to be honest even before her power reworks but more so now) and use her as the supporting frame that she is e.g. keep an eye out on the other players health and shields (which was hard to do before they switched the ui so its constantly on screen) an cast blessing accordingly that being said i am guilty of using her powers and exploits in such a fashion that other players could and probably do get a bit pissy with me.


Im all for having fun and don't like to think my play style with this particular frame causes "Rage hate Nerf that frame" responses.


Did you think that maybe the player you refer to was just having a lazy match with her?

I for one have these moments on occasion but in all honesty i'd take a Trinity spamming blessing and link (especially at high end survival) over a Nova spamming molecular prime any day of the week (personal opinion).


I don't think a Nerf is whats needed at all but a form of range to her blessing ability would nip this sore spot in the bud i wouldn't welcome this change with open arms nor do i think many other Trinity players would either but if common ground has to be reached with her due to this being an over baring problem for the majority of players that's the way to go about it... i guess. Not at all what i'd want though.

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Firstly i really hope that wasn't me in game with you fellow Tenno


Now i play Trinity alot she was my second crafted warframe (my all time fave to be honest even before her power reworks but more so now) and use her as the supporting frame that she is e.g. keep an eye out on the other players health and shields (which was hard to do before they switched the ui so its constantly on screen) an cast blessing accordingly that being said i am guilty of using her powers and exploits in such a fashion that other players could and probably do get a bit &!$$y with me.


Im all for having fun and don't like to think my play style with this particular frame causes "Rage hate Nerf that frame" responses.


Did you think that maybe the player you refer to was just having a lazy match with her?

I for one have these moments on occasion but in all honesty i'd take a Trinity spamming blessing and link (especially at high end survival) over a Nova spamming molecular prime any day of the week (personal opinion).


I don't think a Nerf is whats needed at all but a form of range to her blessing ability would nip this sore spot in the bud i wouldn't welcome this change with open arms nor do i think many other Trinity players would either but if common ground has to be reached with her due to this being an over baring problem for the majority of players that's the way to go about it... i guess. Not at all what i'd want though.

I would love energy vamp and link to be reverted only 1 thing at a time instead of 5 and a usable energy vamp maybe even make it double the damage on the target its on like a mini nova ult XD

or maybe let me use energy vampire on 5 things and link only connects with 1? currently link attacks to many things and energy vampire is generaly usless because of the mobility and high damage of the game you just cant get any energy even if you use the first skill to double the targets hp

Edited by MoyuTheMedic
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I see so many nerf threads these days. Before we focus on making things that are overly useful less useful, can we focus on making things that suck  more useful? I'm talking about buffs. There are a few frames (not going to say any names, less angry replies that way) that just aren't very useful. Can we focus on them BEFORE we nerf the frames that people actually use?


So we're going to ignore blatant exploits in the game just to buff everything? If i recall balance is a mixture of both nerf and buff. Doing one isn't balancing anything.

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3. Trinity already got a rework, so I doubt they will go back and do it all over again.

I don't expect they will rework her completely, no.  That said, Blessing will nerfed sooner or later.  The up time it can obtain for a power that makes the entire team invulnerable is just nuts, trivializing long term survivals/defense.  A nerf is inevitable.


The only surprise when it happens won't be that it did, but rather that it took so long to do so.

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I got bored leveling my castanas jeez >_> i only just recently started using link to prevent knockdowns but before you nerf the only usable skill on trinity why not fix the other 3 first I would not mind a cheaper heal that actualy works an energy vampire that atualy helps and a more useful link ment only for survival I hate having attack skills on trinity even if they are so indirect

I don't see the problem people have with Energy Vampire. With a nice maxed out intensify you can get a huge amount of energy out of them compared to the 50 spent casting it.

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Trinity is fine as is. Why would you follow the person around the whole time if it bothered you so much?

Maby you didn't know this but there is an option where you can exit a mission if you want. Why not exit the mission

and just not play with that person again? Then again maby your just mad because you werent smart enough to figure

out how to get kills with a trinity in the party. At any rate you really need to stop crying about it.

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Trinity is fine as is. Why would you follow the person around the whole time if it bothered you so much?

Maby you didn't know this but there is an option where you can exit a mission if you want. Why not exit the mission

and just not play with that person again? Then again maby your just mad because you werent smart enough to figure

out how to get kills with a trinity in the party. At any rate you really need to stop crying about it.


These are the types of posts that make me not want to visit the forums anymore. Lotus help you.

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The Tenno who cried Nerf!

There once was a Tenno who was bored as he sat in the Survival Mission watching the Trinity kill stuff. To amuse himself he took a great breath and sang out, "Nerf! Nerf!! The Trinity is killing everything!"

The Devs came running to the Forum to help the Tenno fix the issue. But when they arrived at the Forum, they found no nerf was needed. The Tenno laughed at the sight of their angry faces.

"Don't cry 'Nerf', Tenno," said the Devs, "when there's no nerf needed" They went grumbling back to their jobs.

Later, the Tenno sang out again, "Nerf! Nerf! The Trinity is killing everything!" To his naughty delight, he watched the Devs run to the Forum to help him with his issue.

When the Devs saw no nerf was needed they sternly said, "Save your QQing for when there is really something wrong! Don't cry 'Nerf' when there is no nerf needed!"

But the boy just grinned and watched them go grumbling back to their jobs once more.

Later, he saw something that actually needed a nerf. Alarmed, he leaped to his feet and sang out as loudly as he could, "Nerf! Nerf!"

But the Devs thought he was just QQing again, and so they didn't come.

At sunset, everyone wondered why the Tenno hadn't returned to the Dojo with a decent kill count. They went to the forum to find the Tenno and found him weeping.

"There really was something requiring a Nerf here! My kills are pathetic! I cried out, "Nerf!" Why didn't the Devs do anything?"

An guy wearing pink shorts and an inflatable parrot on his shoulder tried to comfort the Tenno as they walked back to the Dojo.

"We'll help you fix what needs Nerfing soon™," he said, putting his arm around the Tenno, "Nobody believes a serial QQer...even when its an actual issue!"

The moral of the story is save your QQing for when it's an actual game breaking issue instead of crying Nerf over every trivial issue.

Edited by Temporary
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The Tenno who cried Nerf!

There once was a Tenno who was bored as he sat in the Survival Mission watching the Trinity kill stuff. To amuse himself he took a great breath and sang out, "Nerf! Nerf!! The Trinity is killing everything!"

The Devs came running to the Forum to help the Tenno fix the issue. But when they arrived at the Forum, they found no nerf was needed. The Tenno laughed at the sight of their angry faces.

"Don't cry 'Nerf', Tenno," said the Devs, "when there's no nerf needed" They went grumbling back to their jobs.

Later, the Tenno sang out again, "Nerf! Nerf! The Trinity is killing everything!" To his naughty delight, he watched the Devs run to the Forum to help him with his issue.

When the Devs saw no nerf was needed they sternly said, "Save your QQing for when there is really something wrong! Don't cry 'Nerf' when there is no nerf needed!"

But the boy just grinned and watched them go grumbling back to their jobs once more.

Later, he saw something that actually needed a nerf. Alarmed, he leaped to his feet and sang out as loudly as he could, "Nerf! Nerf!"

But the Devs thought he was just QQing again, and so they didn't come.

At sunset, everyone wondered why the Tenno hadn't returned to the Dojo with a decent kill count. They went to the forum to find the Tenno and found him weeping.

"There really was something requiring a Nerf here! My kills are pathetic! I cried out, "Nerf!" Why didn't the Devs do anything?"

An guy wearing pink shorts and an inflatable parrot on his shoulder tried to comfort the Tenno as they walked back to the Dojo.

"We'll help you fix what needs Nerfing soon™," he said, putting his arm around the Tenno, "Nobody believes a QQer...even when its an actual issue!"

The moral of the story is save your QQing for when it's an actual game breaking issue instead of crying Nerf over every trivial issue.


This just about sums it up i reckon Kudos to you fellow Tenno.

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The Tenno who cried Nerf!

The moral of the story is save your QQing for when it's an actual game breaking issue instead of crying Nerf over every trivial issue.

To be fair, she does remove all sense of difficulty from the game...  For the record, I think she just needs a rework as her 1 is redundant, her 2 is anti-meta, and her 4 removes difficulty.  She doesn't need to be nerfed into the ground.  But the invincibility on Blessing needs to go down while her 1 and 2 get love.


So he got carried by a high level to victory in a mission that he would have most likely failed, was able to leech free exp for low level weapons, and you want to nerf the one who helped you out.

Most people actually enjoy participating in the team...  It's generally more fun if you actually get to do something and if there's some semblance of difficulty.  Being invincible constantly has a tendency to make the game get boring fast.  Cheat codes are fun for a while, but they burn you out quickly.

Edited by Volt_Cruelerz
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I don't see how people can just accept permanent invincibility.

Its silly, at least to me. 


There are better ways to word this, you don't have to say "nerf into the ground", and there are better ways to approach the situation.

Personally, I think a time hard-cap on blessing is what needs to happen. Instead of 20 seconds, it is now something more appropriate like 8.


I really think all permanent invincibility powers need to go, this includes invisbilities, blessing, and hysteria (maybe hysteria will actually not be terrible at U13, but we can only hope.). 


Really, the amount of people here who legitimately have the view of "nerfs are not needed in a pve game" astonishes me. When you advocate for that, you are going to cause your permanent burnout.  As volt said, cheat codes are fun for a while, but burn you out quickly.


Without good game design this game will die off very quickly. I don't want to have to regret allowing myself to spend a bit of money on this game just to see it torn to shreds by masses who will then cry about it.

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I don't see the problem people have with Energy Vampire. With a nice maxed out intensify you can get a huge amount of energy out of them compared to the 50 spent casting it.

but i like having hp shield vigor master theif flow streamline continuity and constitution i only have 2 skill slots no room for the nessisary mods to use energy vamp since its nerf

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It's not like you pick up a Trinity at the foundry and suddenly the game is easymode. I think we all know better than that (or should).


A perma-blessing Trinity isn't something easily created. A LOT of time and material go into one. They're also specifically geared to extreme gameplay--namely 100 round defenses and 1hour+ survivals. If you're not doing these, you need to sit down and shut up. Quit worrying about something that doesn't concern you.


I don't normally break Trin out for regular mission on the map. She's for those nasty instances mentioned above, usually with the clan. If she is in garden variety of missions, it's usually to level something up--be grateful she's there to make things easier, especially on interceptions.


See the cat pic above.

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It's not like you pick up a Trinity at the foundry and suddenly the game is easymode. I think we all know better than that (or should).


A perma-blessing Trinity isn't something easily created. A LOT of time and material go into one. They're also specifically geared to extreme gameplay--namely 100 round defenses and 1hour+ survivals. If you're not doing these, you need to sit down and shut up. Quit worrying about something that doesn't concern you.


I don't normally break Trin out for regular mission on the map. She's for those nasty instances mentioned above, usually with the clan. If she is in garden variety of missions, it's usually to level something up--be grateful she's there to make things easier, especially on interceptions.


See the cat pic above.


I have 6 forma in mine Q~Q I just dont enjoy using my abilities to kill everything all at once so i got into trinity now i cant stand playing with other people unless im trinity because it feels like if we failed its my fualt for not playing her to save everyone with blessing

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