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Trinity Needs To Be Nerfed Into The Ground


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Except I'm in college so saying that I have any sort of regular schedule for gaming would be a hilarious joke.


And is it that much of a stretch for someone to request that pubs be at least semi-decent?


Also, I never mentioned the frequency I saw Trinities, only the frequency with which they seemed able to give perma-invincibility.  I don't see Trinities that often either.

Did you notice how I used the word "usually"? In hindsight I suppose I could have used "generally" or the phrase "more often than not" but I figured people here have a good command of the English Language so they "should" be able to figure it out, clearly I was wrong as you are the exception to the rule on both counts.

With the way the online community acts in general it's a bit of a stretch to say that you won't cross paths with people that either don't know what they are doing or act like asshats. When you find these select few you add them as friends and keep on paying games with them if your so called irregular schedule allows for it.

No but I was so my statement is still correct. By your admission you don't see them very often, why then are you are continuing with this argument when they are few and far between and as I've stated before aren't a game breaking issue.

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Did you notice how I used the word "usually"? In hindsight I suppose I could have used "generally" or the phrase "more often than not" but I figured people here have a good command of the English Language so they "should" be able to figure it out, clearly I was wrong as you are the exception to the rule on both counts.

With the way the online community acts in general it's a bit of a stretch to say that you won't cross paths with people that either don't know what they are doing or act like asshats. When you find these select few you add them as friends and keep on paying games with them if your so called irregular schedule allows for it.

No but I was so my statement is still correct. By your admission you don't see them very often, why then are you are continuing with this argument when they are few and far between and as I've stated before aren't a game breaking issue.

I'm using myself as an example of a major demographic of gamers.  You've delved into personal insults at this point.  Do you have access to surveys indicating the volume of the playerbase that plays socially vs random vs clans vs solo?  I don't.  I'm using my own experience (and that of my friends when they play other games) to come to my current stance.  If you have access to these charts and they support you, I'll concede defeat on this and accept that I'm a minority in this.  Until then, the evidence I've seen is that while many players do play socially, a great many also play non-socially.  Is my sample representative?  Of course I haven't the foggiest and I doubt yours is any better.  But it's the data I've got.


And in some cases, I do.  Those cases are rare.


Just because something is rare doesn't mean it shouldn't be addressed as well.  As high a priority?  No.  But addressed all the same it should be.  We weren't discussing priorities of changes.  In this thread, I've simply been saying that 1 and 2 need reworks and 4 needs a nerf.  I'm not claiming that it's the most urgent thing the game needs.  I'm just saying that it needs to happen in the future.  Many players like playing support and outside of perma-invincibility, Trinity doesn't really do that much which as we've agreed is a relatively rare thing.  Perhaps there are so few trinities because her 1 and 2 need reworks badly?

Edited by Volt_Cruelerz
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Don't know man. Too much butthurt in one thread. 

All I see is "Please stop people that can do "X" better than me or other players just because I don't like it."  The solution is simple really.


Either kindly request for the trinity player to change frames if you are in a void mission / derelict mission, or in the case that they validly refuse, reform your group without them. If they are hosting, you gotta roll with it since it's their key you're using.


Again. I think it's too much of a thing to do rather than enjoy an easy ride of a mission and treat it as a break rather than be upset about things like that. 

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Guest Shibboleet

trinity's only usable skill by itself is blessing noone actualay wanted an attack skill on trinity you are compairing 2 skills a 3 and a 4 against 1 hypathedical 4 that does more then the 3 and the 4


or you could just shoot everything with the stug or even in the same time it takes you to link blessing and spam the stug you could have just hit 4 on any other warframe over and over with max power eff and killed everything and run past the trinity

Hypothetically and in practice Link + Blessing does more than any 4 in the game. The point of this thread is Link+Blessing, not just Blessing.

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I'm using myself as an example of a major demographic of gamers.  You've delved into personal insults at this point.  Do you have access to surveys indicating the volume of the playerbase that plays socially vs random vs clans vs solo?  I don't.  I'm using my own experience (and that of my friends when they play other games) to come to my current stance.  If you have access to these charts and they support you, I'll concede defeat on this and accept that I'm a minority in this.  Until then, the evidence I've seen is that while many players do play socially, a great many also play non-socially.  Is my sample representative?  Of course I haven't the foggiest and I doubt yours is any better.  But it's the data I've got.


Just because something is rare doesn't mean it shouldn't be addressed as well.  As high a priority?  No.  But addressed all the same it should be.  We weren't discussing priorities of changes.  In this thread, I've simply been saying that 1 and 2 need reworks and 4 needs a nerf.  I'm not claiming that it's the most urgent thing the game needs.  I'm just saying that it needs to happen in the future.  Many players like playing support and outside of perma-invincibility, Trinity doesn't really do that much which as we've agreed is a relatively rare thing.  Perhaps there are so few trinities because her 1 and 2 need reworks badly?

I have about as much access to surveys and raw data as you do so throwing in the "prove it" argument is a poor way to not only discredit my argument but yours in the process; given the fact that asking you to also prove your stance with surveys and raw data is a childish way to debate I'm not going to go there but you get the point. I would personally love to see the stats behind this as they would be incredibly interesting not to mention help out with other issues.

My apologies if you took that as an insult, I was just pointing out what happened and as insults go that's fairly tame.

As I previously stated on page 4 "I do however completely agree that her 1st & 2nd abilities need a rework (not a nerf) and her 3rd ability needs to only work for incoming enemy damage, not self inflicted damage or damage taken whilst invincible but again as I said its not a game breaking issue so it'll get fixed soon™" I've never said that they don't need to be fixed just that they will be fixed "soon™" so thanks for reiterating my point. Everyone loves a one trick pony until they get boring so yeah I agree that changing it up would definitely increase the amount of Trinity players although nova still hasn't been hit with the nerf bat yet :P

My opinion regarding her ult has changed through, even if her three other abilities get changed there is still far too much benefit gained from the invincibility and it does need to be chopped down a bit.

Edited by Temporary
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In fact if you nerf all the classes the "balancers" want to balance you'll end with forbidding for everyone the actual "end-game" content. Even if it's not planned by DE it's still here and a lot of us like it as it is.


Nerfing blessing, M-prime and such will only end in closing this actual content, how can DE can manage to forbid the access to 1 hours + survival and defense if there's still players who like this and play this regularily ?

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you arnt supposed to clear maps your supposed to run thru them :U

when scott was it?

reqorked trinity I do belive he showed off nuking himself with the ogris and blowing up everythign around him as an intentional thing for trinity so she wont just be a use blessing and energy vampire frame but now she is use link and use blessing frame and if you want use explosives and kill stuff so what O_o she will get a rework again eventualy hopefuly a more supportive update but its eventualy there are far more stronger frames being invincable is unessisary in content the devs make and being able to nuke weak enemys is not that impressive

That'd be very sad indeed if this is the case with Trin. Last thing a support needs is a way to dish out massive damage with abilities. We do have guns, after all.
I'd suggest revamping Trin into a support, centered around old-ish invulnerability-at-hug-range link, with other abilities only providing health and energy regen, as I posted on other nerf Trin thread:

Yeah, only I WAS suggesting those alternative ways. I think I posted my suggestions twice on this very thread even.


Trin was my most favorite frame before the nerf, and I still enjoy playing as here even now when she mostly relies on guns and Blessing. I'm not one to exploit or even use the blessing+link+anythingexplosive combo, and I certainly don't find it too much fun to just cast blessing all night long and see everyone around me facetank anything that comes in their way.


What I would propose is to return her kit to her older, Healer/support/tank setup, with little to no actual damage to her skills. We could return back old link, maybe give it three beams and lower reach. Maybe even make stretch mods not affect it, if everyone screams foul, but give her back her enemy-hugging safe spot. And with that, concentrate on making her other abilities support the team.


EV could be reworked to be cast on self, having a lengthy global timer and effect of providing bursts of energy similar to current ones upon Trinity dealing certain amount of damage, up to four times at max rank. Sure you would be able to get all energy at once, but if you use it at a wrong time, you're left waiting for cooldown.


Blessing could be reworked to be a ranged AoE skill that rises downed allies and gives them full health and regen, including shield regen that doesn't have no cooldown. Players out of AoE could get only half the regen or something not to leave them hanging.


I don't know what would be the best way to change WoL. Make it a weak lealing pulse for 10 energy? Make it a ranged blast of healing for 25?


Either way, suggested these before.

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That'd be very sad indeed if this is the case with Trin. Last thing a support needs is a way to dish out massive damage with abilities. We do have guns, after all.
I'd suggest revamping Trin into a support, centered around old-ish invulnerability-at-hug-range link, with other abilities only providing health and energy regen, as I posted on other nerf Trin thread:



when the rework for trin happend i was like "oh.. great the dragonfly update..." compairing it to firefall they erased medic in firefall to make the dragonfly and the recluse a "healer" and poison classes respectivly  the dragonfly isnt as bad now but before it had the ability to heal you with its gun it only had 2 whole skills that could heal and one of thos was a skillshot *shivers* they did it because they wanted to make it so everyone had fun playing as a healer class including the people who dont actualy care abotu being a healer like the dps class players they where all like yeah i enjoy it now but im just goan stick with my assult class so they basicly lost a huge chunk of players who where all over that original medic class the player coun basicly lost 1/6th the count just from them trying to make support more playable for people who have no reason to play support

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I have about as much access to surveys and raw data as you do so throwing in the "prove it" argument is a poor way to not only discredit my argument but yours in the process; given the fact that asking you to also prove your stance with surveys and raw data is a childish way to debate I'm not going to go there but you get the point. I would personally love to see the stats behind this as they would be incredibly interesting not to mention help out with other issues.

My apologies if you took that as an insult, I was just pointing out what happened and as insults go that's fairly tame.

I can only ever offer what my personal experience is. I cannot speak for everyone, but I speak for those that I have had encounters with (which are similar to my own). You've been talking in generalities this whole time, but I've been trying to say that you can't necessarily do that. Your own stance is no more valid than mine. I know full well what you meant, but you kept asserting that you are the majority. I'm saying that you may be wrong and in my experience and those that I've talked to, you are. If your experience and mine are effectively equal in value, to try to say that one claims a super-majority so as to be able to ignore the other would be folly, yet that's what you've been doing.

If I were trying to argue that I'm right, then of course those arguments would be stupid and invalidate us both.  Of course, I'm not trying to argue that I'm right, only that you could be wrong and have no right to be speaking in generalities on this.

Edited by Volt_Cruelerz
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hmm yet another kid crying because he is not good enough,


you can use any frame in this game and still get more kills then the other members in your squad, all you need is the right mods, weapons and enough formas (and potatoes) to maximise the damage output.


In other words the amount of time and effort you put into your weapons and frames = higher kills and survival.




btw Trinity is one of the best and worst frames in the game

Edited by Juranai
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the rank test requirements would be nice but I do not wall run, and have not been able to pass that test due to the fact I do not wall run, and acrobat will not drop. I keep taking it one if these times I will pass.

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Wow, corrupted mods, tons of forma, and a potato have made something powerful!

Is this new? Not really. The guy simply found the best build for his Trin + Castanas and obviously wanted to use it to maximum effect. I don't see any reason to nerf her just because a player invested a lot of effort into making her as strong as possible.

Not to mention Maxed R10 corrupted rares and a ton of really hard to find mods to just make it work.

And 3 forma's... At the very least.. I know, cos I have the same build also.

He's mastery rank 13 because he worked hard to get there.

I grind for almost 600 hours with affinity boosters and I'm still at MR10, almost 11. Just one more weapon to go to be able to go to MR11.

Edited by (PS4)friedricetheman
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Yeah.... Trinity has some problems..... The Link skill is a bit BS. I have used and maxed it out  and then sold it since I'm not gung ho on playing the healing role. Even if not a healing role, the skills she has is all support and damage mitigation.


Link syncs you up with a set amount of enemies depending on it's rank and any other mods. Then pushes like 90%? of the damage to the linked targets. You still take some damage when you are linked, but like the OP said, when you also spam blessing, that part is moot. Link by itself it ok, but when combined with a heal skill like blessing makes it all moot.


Now for blessing, for such a powerful skill, it should really be short ranged, or limit the range. From what I see, players can be one or two rooms over and they still get the benefits of blessing. It's doesnt res downed players but still. If it does, it seriously needs to be short ranged. Atm it's like a panic cheat button, "Oh Sh*t! -press 4-, phew~ thought I was a goner for a second there."


I don't see trinities using the first skill that much. Or the second skill either. It's just 3 or 4 (Link and Blessing).




To be honest though. I think the skills need to be reworked in a way.... All skills should be equally powerful.... yet we have this "weaker to ultimate skill" thing going on. It's sad that this is the case in almost every game atm. All skills should be powerful and useful. If you really want a "ultimate skill move" then it should really be set apart from the rest of the skill list.


Right now it's just skills 1-2-3-4. And it goes from weakest to strongest, or least versatile to most versatile.

Utility skills are great, like the decoy/molt, or super jump (not alot of usage for it...) dash skill from volt (oh right, speed).

Then you have skills that combine attack and utility like rip line from valkyr.

And then the damage mitigations like Link and Iron skin.

The ever popular stealth skills (invisibility and smoke screen).


Well.... you see my point.... All the skills have really good points to it, it's just the level of power from them is disappointing in my opinion to see it ranked this way....

Edited by VoidWraith
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Yeah.... Trinity has some problems..... The Link skill is a bit BS. I have used and maxed it out  and then sold it since I'm not gung ho on playing the healing role. Even if not a healing role, the skills she has is all support and damage mitigation.


Link syncs you up with a set amount of enemies depending on it's rank and any other mods. Then pushes like 90%? of the damage to the linked targets. You still take some damage when you are linked, but like the OP said, when you also spam blessing, that part is moot.


Now for blessing, for such a powerful skill, it should really be short ranged, or limit the range. From what I see, players can be one or two rooms over and they still get the benefits of blessing. It's doesnt res downed players but still. If it does, it seriously needs to be short ranged. Atm it's like a panic cheat button, "Oh Sh*t! -press 4-, phew~ thought I was a goner for a second there."


I don't see trinities using the first skill that much. Or the second skill either. It's just 3 or 4 (Link and Blessing).

link is 100% damage to the max 3 targets while you take 75% less damage

before trinitys "rework" people actualy used her 2-3-4 her 1 hasnt changed much still a usless way to heal people

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STOP talking about nerf as you're not a regular player.


You don't know clearly why you are disapointed.


Let Trinity doing her job and don't give to DE the idea of nerfing her.


Go on another game and don't come back on Warframe, you casual.

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STOP talking about nerf as you're not a regular player.


You don't know clearly why you are disapointed.


Let Trinity doing her job and don't give to DE the idea of nerfing her.


Go on another game and don't come back on Warframe, you casual.


Actually I know why I'm disappointed with Trinity. I'm actually disappointed in the skill ranking/usage of all the Warframe skills at the moment. But I won't abandon the game because of it. DE reads the forums, and ultimately they make the decisions. Can they be pressured into making a certain decision? Sure. But this particular topic I don't see DE doing anything about it. At least, not for a while.


I've seen casual players play WAY better then players who "supposedly" are hardcore gamers.

Anyway feels like were heading towards unproductive criticism atm.

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Guest Shibboleet

Not to mention Maxed R10 corrupted rares and a ton of really hard to find mods to just make it work.

And 3 forma's... At the very least.. I know, cos I have the same build also.

He's mastery rank 13 because he worked hard to get there.

I grind for almost 600 hours with affinity boosters and I'm still at MR10, almost 11. Just one more weapon to go to be able to go to MR11.

You can get a link+bless trinity with the 50$ prime package deal (1050 plat) via trading at rank 3 and buying trinity from the market.

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You can get a link+bless trinity with the 50$ prime package deal (1050 plat) via trading at rank 3 and buying trinity from the market.

you can also get a rhino prime with teh boltor prime use the plat to get his speed helm and use your basic mods for hp shield streamline intensify and flow and be just as effective in more situations for less

Edited by MoyuTheMedic
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Guest Shibboleet

you can also get a rhino prime with teh boltor prime use the plat to get his speed helm and use your basic mods for hp shield streamline intensify and flow and be just as effective in more situations for less

I quoted someone explaining how it takes 3 forma's and time, which it doesn't (Also time spent does not justify having something overpowered). If you wish to discuss frame vs frame, quote a relative post.

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Not to mention Maxed R10 corrupted rares and a ton of really hard to find mods to just make it work.

And 3 forma's... At the very least.. I know, cos I have the same build also.

He's mastery rank 13 because he worked hard to get there.

I grind for almost 600 hours with affinity boosters and I'm still at MR10, almost 11. Just one more weapon to go to be able to go to MR11.



You can get a link+bless trinity with the 50$ prime package deal (1050 plat) via trading at rank 3 and buying trinity from the market.



you can also get a rhino prime with teh boltor prime use the plat to get his speed helm and use your basic mods for hp shield streamline intensify and flow and be just as effective in more situations for less



I quoted someone explaining how it takes 3 forma's and time, which it doesn't (Also time spent does not justify having something overpowered). If you wish to discuss frame vs frame, quote a relative post.


with your same plan you can get rhino prime and a boltor prime for just as much work and have a better warframe then trinity with the best weapon in the game


quoting your post is relevent so i quoted you again

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Guest Shibboleet

with your same plan you can get rhino prime and a boltor prime for just as much work and have a better warframe then trinity with the best weapon in the game


quoting your post is relevent so i quoted you again

To humor you though...


Stomp has a cooldown when enemies are suspended in mid-air. Link + Blessing duration and damage is, in theory and in practice, an infinite damage source.

Stomp does a set amount of damage. Link + Blessing damage can be a constant stream of stug hits to 3 targets (Which will die instantly and then link to the next 3 targets).

Stomp's range +/- changes stomps damage. So even if stomp can get near links range, it will do even less damage.

Stomp can CC a radius of targets. Blessing makes CC irrelevant in normal gameplay; In higher level gameplay, blessing outclasses the stomp CC even more.


Iron skin makes it so you can't be knocked down. Link makes it so you can't be knocked down.

Iron skin wears off too quickly to be usable/relied upon in higher gameplay. Blessing is infinitely scaling. In lower level gameplay, iron skin is for you, blessing is for everyone on the team.


Rhino charge is...slash dash..


Rhino roar is a nice 100% buff.


I heard stat helms are going away, so -2 seconds on blessing and link, where rhino loses his speed buff.


Boltor prime does less dpshot and less dps than link can with the stug.


Hp/Shield mods needed on rhino when blessing + link make it so you don't need either mod. Even then, I don't use either of those types of mods as they are a waste of a slot.


Blessing + Link work in all situations. Stomp works in short range as a damage ability, or mid-range cc. Roar works as a short range buff for a short duration. Blessing and Link never require a buff outside of its own cast. Rhino charge is a waste of a slot. Iron skin scales out at low-mid levels, Blessing + link never does.

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