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Harvester And G3 Help!



Ok so I play warframe for 4 months and recenty i hear about the Harvester and The Grustrag Three,on wiki I found that they are something like the Stalker and here are my questions:

1.They can spawn only if you get marked?


2.If right in the moment of the Escape mission i get crashed i will lose my Warframe or i will do instantly the mission at log in?


3.What the Grustrag Bolt does? And does he affect only one warframe or all of them?


4.I was maked by both of them at the end of the Ciero Crisis and they still didn't spawn i meet the Stalker 7 times without any Mark.So are thoes marks still Availible? or is just luck?

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5 answers to this question

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1. Yes


2. No idea, Harvey never got me.


3. Reduces all damage done to Grineer by half. Only the one that has the bolt, I reckon.


4. When in doubt, re-qualify for those marks by running 5 Invasion missions for Grineer (Harvester) or Corpus (G3). the G3 only appears in missions against the Grineer, and Harvester only in missions against the Corpus. It can take a while.

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(The more people marked the better).


I forgot that detail: base spawn chance is supposed to be 1.5%, each extra person in your cell with a mark increases that by 0.5%. Or at least that were supposed to be the figures a while ago.

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Well ty for the answers but... the question number 2 has no answer yet so I'm little afraid of losing one of my Warframes... beacouse of a crash or something else.


I don't think you'll lose anything. At least, judging by what it says in the wiki:


Should a player die and forfeit or quit during the Escape mission, they will be returned to the Star Chart. The player will be unable to play in any other missions and must replay the Escape mission until it is completed.

The equipment (Warframe, Weapons, and Sentinel) that was captured will be rendered unusable until they redo the Escape mission. Unusable equipment will appear as red holograms of the original item. Switching Warframes and/or weapons before trying the mission again will not make any difference; the Warframe and weapons the player had when captured by Harvester will still be the ones to find/use in the Escape mission, and you will still have to complete this mission before you can do any other missions.

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