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Why Has This Not Happened Yet


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as far as i know the corpus crewman are humane right and the grineer are looking for a way to repair their degrading genes so why don't some grineer could capture some corpus crewman and experiment on them this could be an idea for an event or if they remake tyl regor in to the scientist he is just my thoughts.

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as far as i know the corpus crewman are humane right and the grineer are looking for a way to repair their degrading genes so why don't some grineer could capture some corpus crewman and experiment on them this could be an idea for an event or if they remake tyl regor in to the scientist he is just my thoughts.

lets just say grinner are not the best when it comes to thinking science *explosion hand motion*

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Let's see...


Stupid degenerate clones + Weird science type stuff...


I mean, their greatest scientist, Tyl Regor... is NOT the brightest of bulbs. I mean, really? Hand to hand against Tenno? (I SHUDDER to think how smart the REST of their scientists are if HE is the smart one...)

Edited by Kalenath
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as far as i know the corpus crewman are humane right and the grineer are looking for a way to repair their degrading genes so why don't some grineer could capture some corpus crewman and experiment on them this could be an idea for an event or if they remake tyl regor in to the scientist he is just my thoughts.

Swordsman scientist Fck yeah


But yeah why don't they do  that.....


Corpus are better at robotics....

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I doubt dissecting the corpus is going to do anything. I'm sure the grineer already knows the cause of their gene deterioration and the simplest way would be to stop cloning.


Why would they even want to dissect a corpus crewman? What are they going to do? Take his genes? In the end, they are both still humans so it doesn't matter if they dissect one another.

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well im guessing that the grineer only reproduce by clonig and they did that so much that they are degrading into nothing they could just capture a corpus crewman and spam him so much to the the point  they just dominate plus the grineer are clones of clones what if they started with a new batch of people

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The Crewmen are humanely Ok yes i agree, on the other hand the Grineer grunts are just disposable clones controlled by the


higher ups. The Grineer know this and they make up for their lack of quality in quantity and better armor protection. They don't


need to experiment on the corpus and figure out a way to preserve them selves because they are just puppets that follow orders.


What would you do if your puppet started asking for stuff? u freak out right??? and shoved it away or bury it in the backyard.. 

Edited by H.Katsura_999
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Fair warning, I have poor spelling, and spell check can not help sometimes.


They are probably built from some gene spliced stock, for better survivablity in harsh conditions, and poor quality, or low amounts of food. 


Corups, or "Free-Birth" humans would have a wide verity or "defects" in there genes that would require some smart Grineer to weed out. 


We kinda cooked there smart guy, who was probably doing that, as the Lotus said he was working on a cure to the gene fading issue, witch could be taken as gene splicing compatible, and fresh genes in to the "Tuber's" being developed.


The real question is, ware are his test subjects? The fruits of his labor that made him stick out to the Lotus. 

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but it has been stated that the grineer are looking for a way to repair themselves this could be it. because if they just keep make more of them selfs they will just eventually be so degraded they would just die out

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Grineer and Corpus are offshoots from a base human type. They're separated by thousands of years of conditioning, gene therapy, cloning damage, and divergent evolution at the very least, never mind what the Corpus may have done in addition.


To have the best chance of repairing the damage, Grineer would need to capture some baseline humans from before the damage set in. Which got me to thinking the other day, what if those cryopods we defend aren't all holding Tenno? What if we're really trying to keep the Grineer from acquiring a clean template?

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Let's see...


Stupid degenerate clones + Weird science type stuff...


I mean, their greatest scientist, Tyl Regor... is NOT the brightest of bulbs. I mean, really? Hand to hand against Tenno? (I SHUDDER to think how smart the REST of their scientists are if HE is the smart one...)

lets put it in a easier format , grineer are like the krogan from Mass effect , except there not strong , there not brutes , and are hella more civilized than the krogan , but what do the krogan and grineer have in common , there scientists are none existent or terribly stupid , grunt is a different story considering his maker had some outside help


but yeah you get the point

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i compltely forgot how xenophobic the grineer are but most of the tech they get comes from the corpus again Alad V profit numbs the feeling so i dont thinkthey are completely racistt because i think the corpus are still human to corpus is more of a company logo sorta thing 

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I think it's been mentioned, at least in passing, but the Grineer are huge xenophobes. They hate anything that isn't Grineer. As such, using the filthy Corpus to overcome their genetic degradation doesn't cross their minds; from their perspective (warped as it is from what amounts to a millennium or more of inbreeding), anything less than healing the Grineer using only the Grineer is ugly and dishonorable and unthinkable.


tl;dr the Grineer are too proud and too stupid to use any outside sources.

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Let's see...


Stupid degenerate clones + Weird science type stuff...


I mean, their greatest scientist, Tyl Regor... is NOT the brightest of bulbs. I mean, really? Hand to hand against Tenno? (I SHUDDER to think how smart the REST of their scientists are if HE is the smart one...)


I like to picture that he's been up and awake for SO long working nonstop on my pet "gene therapy project" that he's gone delirious from sleep deprivation - would also explain his talk about fashion and dress codes (I mean, really?).

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Let's see...


Stupid degenerate clones + Weird science type stuff...


I mean, their greatest scientist, Tyl Regor... is NOT the brightest of bulbs. I mean, really? Hand to hand against Tenno? (I SHUDDER to think how smart the REST of their scientists are if HE is the smart one...)


To be fair, he IS a threat if he closes to close range.  In addition, he is definitely not stupid - Lotus herself says he's brilliant, and he was apparently close enough to accomplishing his goal that he needed to be eliminated.  

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