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Just To Say Hi!


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Hello guys, Its been a years past but I didn't make any introduction yet. So here we go!

So basically my PC warframe IGN are KenCX while on PS4 is DreamCX with PSN ID Crazy_Xpire. I am a Warlord on Prime Lord clan (just a Storm Clan but soon to be upgraded),I am Malaysian, and I am a gaming geeks. So anything related games are my favourites which is why I make it as a hobby. :P

Next, I am a helpful guy, so If you needed help in-game, feel free to PM me or add mehh for good! I would greatly help you if its a high-level / hardcore mission such as T3S,T3D with 40+ minutes of gameplay or 40 waves of defense. Trust me you won't regret it for inviting me. XD

Thanks for reading tho. Cya in-game!

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Add me in game and i will send you some lots of invites normaly i do 15 void mission and 3-6 orokin vaults etc. per day, but right now i have some tehnical problems in 3 day i will fix them.:)

Edited by Andrei2560
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