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I know people have been asking for this but i went to the news and announcement section and i didnt see any info on this feature. I believe back before the Xmas period we were told account migration is happening in early 2014. It's already april 2014 and there's hardly any update from the devs? What's going on? Has it been canned? Don't make us wait blindly man...

Edited by (PS4)RedFaceGeneral
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This has been a hot topic for awhile now. Frankly, I don't see the appeal in it. I may be wrong, but from my understanding of it is that it is only for PC players to migrate to the PS4. Is that right? If it is, the only pro I can see with that is if a certain PC player has a bunch of friends playing on the PS4 that they would want to play with. Why else would someone choose to lose the daily plat discounts and have to wait an extended amount of time for the versions to get released onto the PS4? When the new warframe comes out, if you migrated right after that you'd have to wait even longer for it to get released on the console side. Also, it seems to me that the traffic here on the PS4 forums has died down quite a bit. I wonder if the number of people playing warframe on the PS4 in general has also died down...

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I am already resigned to this idea, there isn't anything we can do at this point to make them stop from releasing it, so just let them have it. I just hope this won't ruin the in-game economy as bad as it is already...

Edited by (PS4)PD_33
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Yeah, I don't really understand the appeal in that either. Maybe for people who take trophies very seriously, lol. But, yeah, it'd be pretty much like choosing a downgrade. Maybe there are some folks who just prefer playing on console, though. It's certainly possible. Everyone has their own tastes. If it worked both ways (PC -> PS4 or PS4 -> PC), I could see the appeal. I'd switch over to PC in a heartbeat, even if I lost my plat and cosmetic items. Unfortunately, that ain't gonna happen. :(

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This has been a hot topic for awhile now. Frankly, I don't see the appeal in it. I may be wrong, but from my understanding of it is that it is only for PC players to migrate to the PS4. Is that right? If it is, the only pro I can see with that is if a certain PC player has a bunch of friends playing on the PS4 that they would want to play with. Why else would someone choose to lose the daily plat discounts and have to wait an extended amount of time for the versions to get released onto the PS4? When the new warframe comes out, if you migrated right after that you'd have to wait even longer for it to get released on the console side. Also, it seems to me that the traffic here on the PS4 forums has died down quite a bit. I wonder if the number of people playing warframe on the PS4 in general has also died down...

I understand where you are coming from and i dont mind the slower release of contents. I have a bunch of close gaming friends on PS4 so it's better to be able to play with them together. To me, playing online co-op or competitive matches with my friends surpasses everything else.

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The appeal is for anyone that has spent platinum or has limited time items like anything from the founders pack. I really don't want to have to start all over and "waste" money. Now they are waiting for the OK from Sony but they aid that at least a month ago, which is BS, this should be a simple matter to finalize. 

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The appeal is for anyone that has spent platinum or has limited time items like anything from the founders pack. I really don't want to have to start all over and "waste" money. Now they are waiting for the OK from Sony but they aid that at least a month ago, which is BS, this should be a simple matter to finalize. 

And this is where things get interesting. I can sympathize with you and others in your same position. Of course you would want to be able to bring the things you've earned or bought with you, however, the whole topic of exclusives is ablaze with PS4 players wanting access to some and the PC players not wanting to give up their exclusivity. But from a PS4 player's perspective, we've already been told that most exclusives (especially Founders stuff) will never be available to us, yet now it seems at least somewhat plausible that those things which we can never obtain will have a large presence in the PS4 "world" but only to the PC players who have chosen to migrate to the system. At least in the game's current state, the PS4 players are aware of these things in existance, yet we are not teased by actually seeing them in use. I most certainly would not want to be in DE's shoes right now, as it seems that there is no "fair" resolution to what can and cannot be migrated over without angering a substantial portion of their playerbase...

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Something like founders items would be against Sony terms if they were never available on PS store, so there's the holdup. Rumor is, account migration has been canned by Sony.

Which would be understandable. Their overall policy is to show that PS4 is the best way to play. How is account migrating from PC help with that?


It's all DE fault to begin with. Not releasing Founders pack on PS store was a blunder akin to Diablo 3 auction house, except Blizzard had excuse of trying to squeeze more money from players. DE just screwed it up for no good reason.

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