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A New Sentinel Idea


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Call it the Girneer word for fire, an give it something comparable to the Emblist, but as a flamethrower, with a 4 mtr fire leader/Ruk fire knock back precept. An have it be in the Girneer lab for clantech.

What do you think?

Do you have ideas for a new sentinel you would like to see?

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Call it the Girneer word for fire, an give it something comparable to the Emblist, but as a flamethrower, with a 4 mtr fire leader/Ruk fire knock back precept. An have it be in the Girneer lab for clantech.

What do you think?

Do you have ideas for a new sentinel you would like to see?

Well I really like the idea of a sentinel with a mini-ignis im guessing it would be a little like the sentinel the G3 have Edited by Judgedeath1
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The snow ball one can kinda be done woth freeze mods an coolant leak. But I like your train of thought! Elemental sentinel precepts would be awesome! More things like coolant leak, but for other elements would rock.

Thank you for your dedication Tulzscha, an sorry for posting in the wrong place.

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Name: Uro (Uro is latin for cremate, latin being chosen because of the ignis meaning fire in latin)

Weapon: I think the flamethrower idea is perfect, thought it up myself a few times :3

Stats: armour: 50 (like all others)

Health: 200

Shield: 100

(basically default research sentinel stats)

The general idea of a grineer sentinel is great and probably gonna be implemented in U13.X.X or something

Edited by 11allancam
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I too would greatly love a flamer sentinel. Also, it would be neat if you could leave a sentinel planted somewhere (like at the cryopod) then have it teleport back to you whenever. Basically, turn it into a stationary sentry turret. +1 for flamer turret sentinel!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I also think we need either a sentinel mod or ability to give energy if you try to use an ability and don't have enough. Would have a cooldown to not be OP, but at least then I wouldn't have to keep energy siphon on all my warframes...

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  • 1 month later...

I want a Banshee Sentinel. :3


Sound Wall - Creates a sound barrier that reduces incoming damage.

Echolocation - Sends out a sonar wave that shows enemy locations on the mini map, but only has a 5 second duration. 

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The only problem with a flame based weapon is that is would dramatically reduce the players, over the shoulder, vision of the Warframe and its surroundings. This could potentially result in accuracy loss especially if aiming at a distant target whilst your sentinel focuses a melee attacker. This could be fixed with a semi translucent flame. 

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