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Status Change



So if I understand this correctly this basically increases the chance for the bonus damage to happen? For instance if I have both electrical and cold on a weapon it has the added effect of radiation, which can cause the affected  enemy to attack friendly units. Does the + status change portion effect the individual lightning, or cold, or radiation, or the chance that the guy will attack his friends?


Would it be really worth trying to build something that grants a very high chance of status change instead of raw damage?



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3 answers to this question

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Status Chance is the likelyhood of a putting a Status proc on and enemy, for example shooting someone with electricity damage and he becomes stunned or hitting someone with radiation and he starts targeting enemies. If that elements Status Proc does additional damage like Heat which starts them on fire than you will get bonus damage. If you have a combined element the Status applied will be that combined element and your base damage (impact,slash,puncture) and any other elements that show up on your weapon stats. It will not apply the elements you used to create that combined element. Essential the damage types you see on your weapon stats are the ones it will use to apply Status procs.


It can be useful to build for status chance for higher level enemies where status effects applied can help you kill an enemy that would take longer to kill with just raw damage. Additionally some elements like Gas have a chance to hit multiple enemies which can help your dps against multiple enemies.

Edited by Fragmentality
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-electric + cold is not radiation, it is magnetic

-fire + electric is radiation, and yes, it does make enemies attack each other, as well as lowering their overall accuracy

-if you were to proc radiation on yourself, it does make friendly fire possible (beware of void lasers)

-no, status chance does not mean weapon damage, you weapon will always deal its full elemental damage in each shot

-status chance is divided per damage type, and weighed based on percentage of the total

-elemental procs have inherently less weight than IPS procs

-however adding elemental mods still indirectly increases the chance of procing one element over the other

-shotgun status chance is divided by pellet count

-building for status chance is overall dependant on the base status of the weapon

-possible exceptions are the grakata, tysis, akmagnus, and the grinlok

-it is only recommended to build for status using the cicero/tethra mods, the others are worthless

-in virtually every case, it is better to build for damage, the most effective proc is always death

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The most effective proc is death I like that. Sorry about messing up the radiation and magnetic, I have had both on my dread and wasn't sure which I had on right now. It was just nice to shoot a heavy gunner and have him take out 3 or 4 others before coming back after me. \


I don' t have any of the cicero/tethra things but I did notice that things like the blast from fire and ice make enemies in the general surrounding area fall over when it hits. the same happened with a few bosses I was messing around with. I have yet to figure out just what type of combination I want to end up with on it, but I am leaning towards using each slot as a different specialty maybe.



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