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Best Melee Weapon?



Hi guys,


Ive been playing Warframe on PC alot now, and my set up is: Ember, Boltor, Dex Furis and Galatine, with Shade as my sentinel.


I really would like to try out some new melee weapons. Im not too sure about charge weapons so if we could avoid them to a certain extent that would be nice. And yes i am aware that Galatine is a charge weapon. If you guys could offer some good melee weapons or nice ways of modding my current weapon, 'Galatine' That would be nice.


Thanks guys!


Lord Kimfu   

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I have Orthos lvl 30, and just wanted to check what else there was. Thanks anyway!


Well, Honestly we can't really answer that question. I mean sure we can tell you what's good NOW. But the issue lies in the fact that in the next day or so we should be getting melee 2.0 which has the very real possibility of changing what's good and what's not. Ala what happened with the torid with damage 2.0.


My personal expectation's is that instead of just nerfing the good weapons and "Changing things up" They're making all melee viable, which is precisely the reason i've not been deleting my melee weapons as of late. So if I were you i'd just tough it out for the time being.

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Dual Zoren, while mostly used for movement they are quite fun, Ichors, Fangs.


Personally I like the Glaive (prime) with whirlwind and power throw, no bounces.


If you like spinning attacks you could try Heat swords, got a nice fire "cc" on drop-down strikes. OR dual Kamas. They have 150 spin dam and the fastest attack + damage iirc.

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Well, Honestly we can't really answer that question. I mean sure we can tell you what's good NOW. But the issue lies in the fact that in the next day or so we should be getting melee 2.0 which has the very real possibility of changing what's good and what's not. Ala what happened with the torid with damage 2.0.


My personal expectation's is that instead of just nerfing the good weapons and "Changing things up" They're making all melee viable, which is precisely the reason i've not been deleting my melee weapons as of late. So if I were you i'd just tough it out for the time being.

Okay, ill do that.

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If you have research, the Scoliac is actually pretty good. 


I'll be trying it when the update comes up, but from what I've tasted, it is an amazing sweet savour of long-range melee. Excellent damage, too. It's also got impressive slash damage, and the sound effect of the whip is pretty impressive.

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If you have research, the Scoliac is actually pretty good. 


I'll be trying it when the update comes up, but from what I've tasted, it is an amazing sweet savour of long-range melee. Excellent damage, too. It's also got impressive slash damage, and the sound effect of the whip is pretty impressive.


You forgot the corrosive charge attack elemental damage and the toxic slam attack if the wiki is to be believed. You can zoren copter with it as well! it'll be one of the weapons ill be trying after 2.0

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jat kittag for 360 degrees charge attacks and hits hard too while retaining your mobility when spinning around like a madmen, plus it knockdowns any type of enemy excluding bosses and also have a quite a reach. dunno about melee 2.0 though just wait until the update hits before building a melee weapon

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