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The Road To Dakra Prime.


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At this point you'd probably be better off selling mods/Prime parts for 1-2p even. I saw a full Dakra Prime set for 15p yesterday, so you'd probably get more than enough with everything you've gotten so far (not like you already don't though).

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Dakra is a pain to get just like the majority of the other primes.

The only thing I don't understand about the Dakra is why it requires 15 orokin cells to craft. Seriously it's a freaking sword, why does it even need batteries?

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Try using Reverse Psychology.


This.  I got all the pieces for Dakra while trying to get Frost Prime. Then while trying to get Rhino and Boltor Prime, I got enough parts for 2 sets of Frost Prime.


RNGeebus is a troll.

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Dakra is a very good 1h sword, looks good too...


In your place though, I'd not worry too much about getting it until after 2.0 launches.

Consider building the Mire or the Bo instead if you don't have them.


I have a feeling both are going to fare quite well with 2.0.


That doesn't mean give up on it though, it's a worthy weapon.

Just give it some more time to allow the last of that awesomesauce shine wear off once the katana is released and all the 1h swords have gotten their love. The reason it's so heavily valued is the fact that it does good damage and is a 1h sword.


I can almost guarantee you are going to see complaints about the Dakra's damage compared to the buffs they give the other 1h swords by Friday.

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The best way to get primes is to not want them I have 2 dakra primes and I never even farmed for it but it took me months to get frost prime and I still don't have ember prime.

Basically this. I got 2 Glaive Prime Blades when I wasn't looking for it, accidentally sold 1 and now that I am looking for the 1 I sold I'm finding Rhino Prime Chassis like no tomorrow.

And the amount of Boltor Prime Stocks I own in relation to the number of AkBronco Prime BPs is at a ratio of around 11:1...

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Dakra is a good weapon and one of the best in terms of looks imo. I remember grinding for it a long time ago and how that **** blade wouldn't drop (oh the ludicrous joy when it finally did, I never hit the rush weapon foundry button so fast), so good luck and as other people mention try not to focus too much on getting certain parts - your sanity will thank you in the long run :)

Edited by Ephee
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How did you get exactly 1 million credits?


looks shopped.  RNGesus is not amused.  He demands true sacrifice.


and...  Good luck to you.  The Dakra is a great sword.  I hope you get it quick.


I had something like 600 over and deposited it into a dojo room.

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It's great that you want to farm and build the thing yourself, but in the event that the RNG gods see fit to smite you, I HIGHLY suggest that you trade for that last part that never drops.  On every prime I've tried to build myself there has always been that one last part that just never drops.  The RNG In this game feels like it's self aware sometimes and the more you want something, the more it will give you everything other than what you want.

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