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Any Plans By De To Make Changes To Grinlok?


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I was wondering if anyone heard of any plans by DE to make changes to the Grinlok either in damage or ammo capacity.


I'm hoping they will at least bump up the ammo magazine to somewhere between 12 to 15 instead of the current 6.  Maybe increase the reload time a little bit to go with the extra ammo.  Say 3 seconds.  I mean the weapon sounds like the Winchester repeating rifle and from what I see on the Internet, that had a 15 round tube magazine.  Six rounds just doesn't seem right for this weapon.


I can live with the damage but more ammo would certainly be a welcome change.

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I enjoy the grinlock very much but it just doesn't have the dps needed for upper levels. It is a clan-tech weapon which would make me think that it should be better than it is. I think they're working on an overhaul of the clan-tech research tree so hopefully all of these weapons will be getting a little bit of a buff to bring them in line with weapons you can buy straight from the market. like the soma.

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From using it in game I see no real need to change it. 


Plus you can add increased mag size yourself if you really want it.

The Marelok is better than it by miles. The secondary version of the primary is better in every way and with no real downsides.


Grinlok needs a buff. Badly.

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The hidden strength of the Grinlok is it's status chance. With 35% base chance, ranked split chamber, and status chance enhancing mods, the Grinlok can have 99.9% status proc chance. Put blast on it and you have permanent aoe knockover. Additionally, it has much higher accuracy than the Marelok and can be used a longer range effectively.

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I would personally prefer if they nerfed the status on the grinlok and added more crit.  Particularly a high crit multiplier to imply the accuracy is important.  As it is right now, grinlok is just a status stick, regardless of how much damage you get it to.

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The hidden strength of the Grinlok is it's status chance. With 35% base chance, ranked split chamber, and status chance enhancing mods, the Grinlok can have 99.9% status proc chance. Put blast on it and you have permanent aoe knockover. Additionally, it has much higher accuracy than the Marelok and can be used a longer range effectively.

Well I have both and so far I have notice no difference in accuracy for both in any mission that I have played in. It just seems that as a lever action rifle, it should at least carry more ammo if DE wants the damage level to remain and I shouldn't have to use a mod to do so.   The tainted mod at mid rank gives 3 more bullets bringing the count to 9.  A fully rank mod adds 1 more and is extremely costly.  I think you go from 42% to 63% where as at low rank you jump from 2.5% to 42%.   If I remember right, the Wiildfire mod does nothing at all and is only good for extra fire damage.


I will be doing a status/damage build.  have the Ciero poison mod, just waiting for the Tethra Doom electric mod.  Have no luck with Hammer Shot so far. I don't think a crit/status build was worth it but I might need to recheck.

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As it is, Marelok is powerful, but it still doesn't even compare to the hand cannon guns at close range.  It really just offers a medium range alternative to brakk and detron.  Grinlok, however, must compete with many weapons in terms of high accuracy longer range weapons, and the only benefit it has currently is the status.  Low damage, low ammo, moderate crit, and fairly high status.

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What if they nerfed the Marelok?

That doesn't matter.  The Grinlok would still be at the lower end of the rifle spectrum.  I would at least like more ammo to kick up the DPS/Burst DPS at least.  I use a 6 shots on a heavy gunner 25 minutes into Survival in the void and it is not enough.  Maybe if I can get up the status % it will be but I still think more rounds on clip will be helpful to this weapon.

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