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Connecting Elevators To Same Floor Cannot Connect Rooms


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I'm not sure if this has a perfect answer here, but we're trying to make a dojo with two elevators going to the same 'upper' floor from the main floor, but whenever we try to have rooms to connect together, we cannot seem to get the rooms to connect at all.  They can get really close, but it ends up with it being a dead end from either side.


Is this possibly some known issue, or do you really have the plain the whole thing out piece by piece to make sure everything lines up, or is it possibly an issue trying to link up garden, hallway, X halls, and orokin tilesets all together?

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I've had this work but I've also seen people report it doesn't work, can you specify which rooms you're trying to connect? Did you say orokin tileset? Those don't conform to the grid system, would be impossible to ensure anything lines up well with it.


I did it with the second to largest hall (first 6 door one) I made 2 elevators go to the same floor from it from either side the hall, the floor it went to had 2x short corridors and then a garden in between them, for a total of 2x wide same as the hall bellow, the 2 doors left on the garden were used for obstacle courses, I'd obviously use a 2x2 garden instead now but those weren't around then.


I had to make the second elevator from that short room, couldn't make it from the hall for some reason, but both elevators work and line up with both rooms/floors just fine.

Edited by KriLL3
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We tried it a long time ago and it's not possible. The only solution so far has been to delete half of hte dojo so we could use a small garden as an elevator lobby, with two opposite elevators, one up, one down, and do that layout on each floor.

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