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Sweeper Build



I'm thinking about capitalizing on sweeper's high status chance and using a build like this:




The reasoning behind it being that it doesn't do all that much damage, so maximizing debuff proc chance and/or getting some cc would be more viable. Do you think it would be better (subjective term, I know -_- ) than just going with a straight damage build? I'm also assuming that it being a shotgun results in multiple pellets getting fired and each having a chance to proc status, thus making high spread desirable. Is this correct?



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Shotgun Spazz instead of status, and also imo would swap the elements to make Rad/Viral, as the procs more useful, imo.


Also, that still does a ton of dmg. I like: http://goo.gl/oyol1g


TY! Looks like your build accomplishes exactly what I'm aiming for, though I'll probably slap a couple more forma and beef up elemental mods just because.

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