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Burning My Love


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    Hi, I'm NTeesn; you can call me Daniel. I am a pretty damn addicted Warframer, and enjoy new gear and playing to the best of my ability in the field of fun. I like to have fun. I like to play Warframe. I like to have fun in Warframe.

    Enough with the introduction though. I am here to tell a small story, a story of love, aspirations, and perspirations. And to further prelude this story, I should say that I like to collect the individual frames, and showing my appreciation for DE by purchases platinum periodically, though only for slots and potats.

    On Thursday, April 3rd of 2014, there was an alert for Vauban Systems. I knew this because of an application(sadly, not the official Warframe application. I just didn't like the UI. Sorry Devs <3) on my iPhone, sending me a notification of said alert. Any@#&*(, I was so excited to finally be able to craft Vauban, the Strategist; my overjoyous nature was crushed as I was not home, being at a friends house in hopes of climbing Mt. Miguel in Chula Vista, CA (US). Trying desperately to download Warframe on an available computer, both the Vauban alert and one for the Pendragon Excalibur Helmet both expired.


    I was devastated. I installed the app on my phone for the express reason of securing Vauban System Blueprints. After climbing the mountain overnight (we started at dusk to be cool), I went home and sulked, thinking about my missed opportunity until I mustered up the courage to send in a support ticket. I would ask for another chance at Vaubanity. I honestly didn't expect this idea to work at all, so I made it a bit humurous, adding a GIF file of bouncing Jello-O and some typed comedy.


    The end-product of this both devastated me further and astonished me: ANOTHER VAUBAN ALERT! Mind you, this was within 4 days for a very specific and rare item. My prayers to the Lotus Lords, the Orokin Originators, the DEities, the Dev Almighties were answered. The devastating part is that this happened during my lunch break, 20 minutes [drive] from home, on a 43 minute mission time, on my first day back to school from Spring Break.


    If you are wondering, "Why don't you just use 10 bucks to buy Vauban?" that's because I don't want to pay for something I could just work for. The game is meant to be played. Yes, it is a free-to-play, and the Devs and employees gain revenue from platinum purchases, but most everything in Warframe can be worked for. I'm here to play the game the way it was meant to be played. I also periodically support Digital Extremes by making small platinum purchases. It's not a lot to a company like DE, but I'm showing my love with whatever I can scrounge up.


    This whole experience really burnt me from Warframe, diminishing my hopes of achieving Vaubanity. I just hope that I can look forward to playing Warframe without feeling disappointed in myself everytime I see a Bastille go up, or a Vortex such an army of Grineer insurgents into the abyssal void, never to be seen again.


    Here's a link to the dumb support request I sent: https://digitalextremes.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/requests/143798




TL;DR: Missed my chance for Vauban, AGAIN. FML, let's play Warframe some more.

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Relax. Take a deep breath.



You will get him, dont bother too much. Enjoy the game, U13 is close ( i guess ) and as i said, dont bother too much. You missed those because you have life, and you dont sit infront your PC, playing games for the whole time.



Keep the spirits up.

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Relax. Take a deep breath.

You will get him, dont bother too much. Enjoy the game, U13 is close ( i guess ) and as i said, dont bother too much. You missed those because you have life, and you dont sit infront your PC, playing games for the whole time.

Keep the spirits up.

Moral of the story:

Having a life is a horrible idea that ruins your hopes and dreams. HAVE NO LIFE AND YOU WILL SUCCEED IN LIFE

Edited by MegaSnail
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