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I Haven't Played Warframe In Over A Year Almost - I Need Some Help




I will be referencing images 1 - 7 and asking questions based on them - any answers people can give me would be much appreciated.

1.  Can anyone tell me the mods that were replaced?  A few of these mods were NOT around when I last played... but I seemingly have them somehow?  Also what are those C____ values next to the rarity?  C8 in this case.

I was around for the very first mod system and farmed for hours on end to get 1 extra % on a mod ^^'  I was around for the big upgrade... but a few of these things are new to me - I don't know if they added them in or if they just elaborated more on them.

2.  Ok... its self explanatory - its an aura mod.. but I'm pretty sure those are new.  Can anyone tell me if certain mods got aura counterparts (IE: you can get a steel charge mod or a Steel charge Aura mod).  If so how does fusion work x.x

3.  Do we finally have in game damage values? o.o Are those base damage values for the different stances!?  

4.  Does this mean I can sell that mod for 2 credits...?  The symbols are similar... But... That cant be right lol.  Even common mods used to get 200 credits

5.  Not all of my mods have symbols... does this mean I cant sell those mods...?

6.  What the hell is this nav coordinate?  I noticed the void has an actual destination now instead of "USE KEY AND YOU WARP THERE!"  Same with the dojo.

7.  What is this "rating" number?  I can't make any sense of it.

8.  What the hell is transmute...?  I know what fusion is... but I have 0 memory of transmuting things...

9.  Was there wipes of certain mods or fusion cores?

I used to have 10+ rare fusion cores.  (because I was one of those who had a MASSIVE STOCK in mods before the huge wipe and their introduction of fusion cores... for the record I was also one of the guys who dumped 50% of my stock and lost HUGE amounts of money (lol around 3 million iirc?) because of the pricing being so bad before you guys buffed it lol #Ineverforget)

I also feel like I'm missing a few mods.   It could be lack of being able to sort the mods accurately (I think its buggy and not sorting by certain categories 100% correctly)  or it could be I just forget - it has been a while.

I AM 100% certain I had a bunch of rare fusion cores though because I swore I would never sell them lol.  They were my mementos to the old system.  They appear to be missing though.  Did they remove them from the game or was there a wipe of old mods that transitioned into fusion cores?  (Some of mine didnt even have a rarity / number associated with them but they were valued at the same price as a rarity 10).

10.  Where are the artifacts?  Did they get rid of them? :<

And lastly does DE still put huge benefits in the game towards mega planet sized clans while clans less than 20 members are left in the dust?  I'm just curious.  That was what made me leave in the first place.  (lol and I left for Smite haha irony that it would be Smite that brings me back)

Any thing I should know?
Any thing I miss?
Any major changes in the last year (lol)

Sorry for the wall of text and thank you in advance for any answers! <3

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12 answers to this question

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1. C is the conclave rating for PVP.

2. Aura mods fit in the leftmost warframe slot, boost the mod points available, and buff your entire squad.

3. Hover an equipped item to see its modded stats. Not on the selection screen, those are just base stats.

4. It means you have two identical copies of the mod.

5. It means you have only one.

6. Nav coordinate is a crafting component for making keys.

7. No idea.

8. Transmute is a gambling option - input 4 mods and get a random one.

9. Fusion cores are listed in their own category.

10. Aura?


Be sure to check out http://warframe.wikia.com/wiki/WARFRAME_Wiki

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C next to the mods are for Conclave which is the PvP they added.


The codex has a list of 275? mods in the game also they added the codex lol, with it you can scan enemies and it will tell you their weaknesses as well as what mods they drop.


Nav cords are for the Orokin Derelicts which is where the infested are since they are no longer in the star chart.


Transmuting turns 4 mods you select into 1 random mod can be one you have or don't have 


There as been a Damage 2.0 which was a complete overhaul of the damage system which created the 3 damage types and status % also with this system rainbow builds were killed and now matching different elements create new types. In the codex when you scan enemies it shows who is weak / strong to what type of dmg / element.


Aura mods don't have a frame mod slot counterpart they did add new types of auras but not like you asked melee dmg aura and a melee dmg mod slot for warframes though they do stack with other auras and also with the mods you have equipped on weapons. 


As for clans if you are competitive during events they did split the categories into tiers so clans of 20 won't go against clans of 1000.  Other than that there is nothing to really separate them other than members. the cost to build/research scales with member size.


The rest is already being answered / re-answered as i type lol 

 Can message me in game if you have any other questions or need help 

Edited by Piichii
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Artifacts got turned into auras, so now you can upgrade them and boost your warframe's mod capacity. Duplicate mods now stack, which is why there is a number next to them. The rating has always been there, and has absolutely no purpose except to show you how many mods you have so you can brag to your friends. And yes, damage is now shown. You might want to check the wiki for damage 2.0, a lot has changed and there is not nearly enough room to explain here.

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1. some mods were changed with Damage 2.0  as for the list.  maybe the ingame Codex can help.  or at least offer a list of sorts.

that C___ rating is for the PVP conclave. Warframes, weapons, mods ect have ratings so someone with maxed out strong weapons can't jump into a low level PVP conclave match and just one shot new players.


2.  Aura Mods is what became of Artifects. they still do what they did before, just now you can upgrade them and they add mod capacity when equipped so you can use higher ranked mods.


3. thats all damage 2.0 stuff but the UI is kind of buggy so take them numbers with a few grains of salt.


4. no idea.


5. I don't know, Maybe that's the "This mod is equipped on something or someone" symbol that got put in. whats it look like?


6. the nav coordinate are a material needed to build Orokin Derelicts Keys for the Derelicts maps.  Think Corrupted Void over run with Infested. '

get nav coordinates from any missions from containers.


7. I think that's the total Conclave rating you have.  that's for PVP stuff.  rank 2000 can't go PVP players in a 500 rating Conclave.  if that's the rating you are talking about.


8. Transmute is to take the extra Duplicate mods you may have, and have the Chance to get something better.  think like a slot machine.  4 Mods of any kind, a good chunk of credits and who knows,  them 4 ammo stocks could become a hornet strike. (that's an example. its all RNG)


9. no idea.


10.  Artifacts, became Arua mods. ( i think)


there's alot you More than likely missed. check out the past live dev streams they have foot notes might be better for accurate info.


If i am wrong on anything (and i know i am) someone will correct me soon.

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1. C is the conclave rating for PVP.

2. Aura mods fit in the leftmost warframe slot, boost the mod points available, and buff your entire squad.

3. Hover an equipped item to see its modded stats. Not on the selection screen, those are just base stats.

4. It means you have two identical copies of the mod.

5. It means you have only one.

6. Nav coordinate is a crafting component for making keys.

7. No idea.

8. Transmute is a gambling option - input 4 mods and get a random one.

9. Fusion cores are listed in their own category.

10. Aura?


Be sure to check out http://warframe.wikia.com/wiki/WARFRAME_Wiki

Rating is just number that shows how is the rate of your mods. More ranks on your mods, more rating overall. Doesnt do anything special tho, it is there just for show.

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Well most of the answers have been answered, so ill just go over whats new since. 

Damage 2.0 was a vast overthrow of the new damage system and its very complicated. Heres a link to damage 2.0 on the wiki page.


It's element based as well as status chances which create elemental effects e.g. fire and ice.

Furthermore Melee 2.0 is coming out (I hope you're as excited as most of us are). If you're not sure about whats going on with it; look up warframe streams #24-26 on youtube. It does take a while but it is worth the watches.

Many weapons are released to warframe. Some to start out are the soma and despair if you can grab it from the stalker unit.


Also keep on the lookout for the warframes forum. Check often, look at the update patch notes and stay informed!

Best of luck and Good hunting!

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3. The damage values shows are for the different acrobatic attacks, etc a leap attack is just a jump attack, a slide attack is done by meleeing while sliding, wall attack is meleeing while wall running, etc. The important ones are the Impact/Puncture/Slash (referred to as IPS) damage distribution, which totaled is your regular attack, and the Charge attack value, which is obviously the damage done on a charge attack. 


IPS distribution of damage makes some weapons better against certain factions. Elements now combine, rather than stack, so you can only have 2 elements at a time on any weapon. They now proc status effects, for example cold damage no longer snares on every shot, but has a x% chance to snare by a lot more - x being determined by the weapon's 'status chance'


Stances aren't a thing, there are animation sets which determine the stance of your character but they have no effect on gameplay. Stances will be introduced in the next major update, likely Wednesday, as modifiers to melee combos. 

Edited by Darzk
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1. Mods with chance to stun were replaced with mods with a chance for status.

C is short for Conclave (PvP thingy), you can fight only in certain Conclaves with set limits. Every frame, weapon, sentinel and mod has its conclave rating.


2. Auras are old Artifacts. Also, they give you mod capacity instead of draining it.


3. Yes, those are in-game stats. Though if you're using Multishot mods on your firearms, theses stats can sometimes be buggy for them.


4. It's the amount of the mods you have. They stack now.


5. It means that you have only one of this mod, and/or this is the only one on certain level


6. You use Nav Coordinates to create the keys to Orokin Derelict (one of new tilesets) which is kind of an Infested Void. Defences in those Void towers failed, and Infestation got there, plants overgrew, it's a wreck.


7. I have no idea either. Sum of Conclave rating of all your mods? Dunno.


8. You can put four mods in, pay some credits and get a brand new mod. Kind of a gamble, because you can get useless mods, as well as really rare ones.


9. All mods from the old, tree system were converted into Fusion Cores.


10. See: 1. You probably have an Aura mod in its place.


As for clans, the bigger the clan is, the more expensive is research, so it's kind of balanced. With upcoming Badlands and Alliances, few small clans allied together can outclass a bigger one, since all of the prices are lower.


For general tips, here, have my standard answer for the newcomers. Maybe it'll help you.


Well, first of all, you may want to check the Wiki. Later you can also use Warframe Builder to browse weapon/frame builds and maybe even submit your own.
Boltor is a good choice for an anti-Grineer weapon. Karak is equally decent against Corpus.
Seer is... Specific weapon. Not the best out there, but it's definitely an upgrade from Lato. However I'd recommend using your Lato to create Bolto, and later Akbolto.
Rhino is a good choice as your second frame - if you have him, you can farm pretty much any mission.
How do you trade stuff? Simple, you need to be in a clan and use Trading Kiosk. And you need to be mastery rank 2 at least.a
Clans? I'm sure you'll find a good clan somewhere. Search on forums. And look for a big clan with every research done, like - for example - Asuro.
As for general tips:
 - Don't sell your weapons untill you level them up to 30, or you'll miss the Mastery
 - Do Survival, Endless Defence and Mobile Defence missions for exp and resources
 - When in any of the defences stay near the objective, or you'll be a door hero
 - Door heroes are even more hated than Leechers, so don't do it
 - When in Survival don't activate the capsule untill the support level reaches ~60%
 - People who are activating capsules early are probably even more hated than door heroes
 - Don't waste Platinum on buying weapons/frames - you can get every each of them during the gameplay
 - If you have spare Platinum buy slots. Lots and lots of slots.
 - I've mentioned Leechers... Leecher is a person that stays at the beginning and does nothing during the mission
 - If you happen to go afk - say that. Simple "brb phone" would do
 - Revive your teammates, unless you'll be put in danger. Or unless they are door heroes or leechers. Then teabag them.
 - Always wait for your team in the elevator
 - If you are the last person in the elevator you should activate it
 - Don't break reinforced glass on purpose
 - Try not to act stupid. It's irritating seeing somebody trying to meele a level 30 Napalm with his Cronus and reviving him constantly
 - Be polite. Unless you are talking to a door hero or a leecher.
 - If you are planing to leave Endless Defence or Survival - always inform your team about it. "Leaving at 15 min" will do.

On Wiki check keywords like:
 - Orokin Derelict
 - Damage 2.0
 - Orokin Vault
 - Nightmare
 - Invasions
 - Outbreak
 - Jupiter
 - Earth
 - Phobos
 - Research
 - Prime
And there is a big update incoming in Wednesday (now the arrive on Wednesdays only), that'll completely revamp the meele system.
For general changes, just randomly browse through Wiki, and/or watch past Livestreams and Tenno Reinforcements videos on Warframe YouTube channel. That's always a good source of info about new frames, weapons and sentinels.
You can also add me in-game, or send me a PM on forums if you'll need any help. I'll gladly explain what I can. CBTs must stick together :P
Edited by Angius
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