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I Don't Want This Melee 2.0 Update.


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Its true that once the novelty if the new combo system wears off, i think i will miss my charge attacks. Because in the end, its all about how fast you can kill something. So i have a feeling that in a month, people are going to use melee even less than before.

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You wont have to do 'the sword alone' or any of that, you can still play basically the same and ignore most of the changes, it wont affect your gameplay unless you let it. Sure there will be a small bump of learning how the sword functions as a back up weapon now but after that small bit of learning you can ignore the rest and go on your merry way.

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Pretty sure there is an overwhelming majority that actually does want Melee 2.0.

Pretty sure it is just the Louder *MINORITY* that wants it. just like with the rhinos case.. and zoren coptering...

What the *MAJORITY* really wants is Bug fixes for issues that has been around from U2 And Netcode2.0, But they dont just cry and b!tch about it on forums like.... you guys




Oh and Melee 2.0 IS not going to be the magic bullet that fixes all the problems on melee compat, not yet atleast. removes "charge" builds yes, but does that really change anything.. now we just loose energy on fancy version of "charge"

reminds me a lot like that stamina change few updates ago. . . remember.. the one that got quickly removed.. just saying.

all cons.. no pros

Edited by Mabswer
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I didn't ask for it. but thanks for your detailed response And I read the forums daily. I don't see anyone asking for it. 

Sry but you are part of this since feb this year.

The changes of melee are wanted a long time ago and since DE stated that it will happen, you surely see no further threads about melee changes because it was already confirmed


And just bcause you dont like it doesnt mean its not necessary....

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Pretty sure it is just the Louder *MINORITY* that wants it. just like with the rhinos case.. and zoren coptering...

What the *MAJORITY* really wants is Bug fixes for issues that has been around from U2 And Netcode2.0, But they dont just cry and b!tch about it on forums like.... you guys


I don't think we can ever be sure.

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haha yea, try that on anything higher than earth and get killed while comboing one enemy. . .


Come on. DE isn't stupid. They know that one of the problems with melee is that you die while you are hitting an enemy, and they should've prepared something to mitigate that problem.


Like the channeling system. They said on the stream that channeling would have "channeling" mod types, each adding a special effect to the player as they strike their enemies with their melee weapons. Wouldn't there be something like "hit your enemy to heal"? 


Also, the stream video showed Scott taking down a heavy gunner only with his cronus(skana? Not sure). Well, that seems to be fair, no? You can counterattack, by making your enemy melee at you(close distance on him).

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Come on. DE isn't stupid. They know that one of the problems with melee is that you die while you are hitting an enemy, and they should've prepared something to mitigate that problem.


Like the channeling system. They said on the stream that channeling would have "channeling" mod types, each adding a special effect to the player as they strike their enemies with their melee weapons. Wouldn't there be something like "hit your enemy to heal"? 


Also, the stream video showed Scott taking down a heavy gunner only with his cronus(skana? Not sure). Well, that seems to be fair, no? You can counterattack, by making your enemy melee at you(close distance on him).

well, yes he did, lvl0.. with cheats.. wouldn't work on ceres, since more armor, more enemies around the target.

just saying


but i guess it would be nice against "1 target" meaning bosses, as long as that vampire on channel is atleast 50% but knowing De it will be capped to 5%

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Because, like most of us said, we're asking for the revamp. Not two months ago, but waaaaaaaaaaaay before that.

We practically hounding DE for this revamp.


And please, do read the links our CM provided. Especially the Megathread.

A topic died often followed by even more topics popped out.

Those four links is just the tip of the iceberg.

And you can bet there's more regarding melee issue, but Letter just pulled out that 4 threads.


Also, I'm curious about Scoliac and Bo would be like.


Word "badass" is enough for you?


Edited by Skynin
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i've played this game since open beta i melee needs a change all people run around is galatine zorens dakra ichor everyother are just too bad for higher enemys even medium enemys the mayority of the people ask for a change and we're getting a change i dont see what the problem is with that 

anyway change is done even if you didnt ask for it its gonna be deliver tomorrow i'm really looking foward 

you're now speaking nonesense about devs getting the game to PG13 like that was necesary this is not a movie 11 years old play M games so thats not the reason they're just changing the game which can be bad at the start but you get use to it and its even better than before when damage 2.0 came out i was furious hate it but it it amazing you'll get use to the change

hell i was bored of the same melee S#&$ just spam E and thats it U.u

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well, yes he did, lvl0.. with cheats.. wouldn't work on ceres, since more armor, more enemies around the target.

just saying


but i guess it would be nice against "1 target" meaning bosses, as long as that vampire on channel is atleast 50% but knowing De it will be capped to 5%


Cheats. I did see that, and watched how his health dropped.

But come on, stop being picky. he was playing quite careless, and it was more of a showcase of how things would work. I saw that he was able to block MOST of the incoming damage with his sword, 


If the Warframe that you wear is relatively low-armored and low-health, you can use crowd controlling weapons/stances with more stagger, larger reach, and maybe use the healing channeling. If the Warframe that you wear is high-armored and tanky, you can probably use weapons with high damage but with low crowd-controlling abilities.



Stop trying to see the worst possibility; we don't even know what stances we're going to have. I mean, it's hard for anyone to know how it feels before actually doing it. Just try to make the best out of what you get. DE's gonna update anyway no matter what we say here now. We can use the Community Hot Topics or the Feedback category to give them some suggestions, after trying this Melee 2.0 out.

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Pretty sure it is just the Louder *MINORITY* that wants it. just like with the rhinos case.. and zoren coptering...

What the *MAJORITY* really wants is Bug fixes for issues that has been around from U2 And Netcode2.0, But they dont just cry and b!tch about it on forums like.... you guys



well, yes he did, lvl0.. with cheats.. wouldn't work on ceres, since more armor, more enemies around the target.

just saying


but i guess it would be nice against "1 target" meaning bosses, as long as that vampire on channel is atleast 50% but knowing De it will be capped to 5%


hell you're amazingly negative about everything nobody pay attencion to people crying about zoren coptering or everysingle motherfcker using rhino 

bug fixing is a important thing to do but this game is not goat simulator it doesnt have that much bugs to be a game breaking thing and netcoding? i havent seen netcoding issue with this game i mean its a PVE not even PVP as long as you play with a near low ping host you're ok 

come on mate melee 2.0 its a good thing bug fixing and netcoding its not a priority cuz its not game breaking its not BF4 where i get mad cuz i clearly shoot a guy in the face and he doesnt take damage,  but people getting bored cuz the game is too repetitive thats an important thing to fix adding new content is the way i'm not complaning with the game state so i say Melee 2.0 is welcome 

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The only way I can interpret the OP is that they play solely using Galatine/Orthos Prime charge attacks to dismember enemies and that they have only one Warframe they ever use.


Because every other aspect of melee is getting way better and more viable/deadly and you get 4 Revives PER FRAME per day.

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 let him hate 


And stay with his guns


Meanwhile i'm gonna rock My Darka prime and kill EVERYTHING with it >:D 

Who's with me?!!!!

Don't really love Dakra Prime, but I'm sure that I'll stick with my good ol' Glaive. Not the Glaive prime; but the Glaive!

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Oh boy.. look at what you've started. Here's a piece of advice... you're still going to be able to shoot your way through missions. The melee is for the players, like I who want Melee to be viable. If you don't like it, keep on shooting. No loss to you right pal? They aren't forcing you to hack and slash at everyone. Well enjoy the day! :D



Oh and P.S. its 4 lives per Warframe if I remember correctly. I'm taking it as you play solo. (No I did NOT read all of this thread. ) Besides, as I have stated before, just continue shooting. 

Edited by Shadowkid196
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It takes less than 5 min to complete an Invasion mission solo killing everything with a melee weapon. And for that, you need a normal attack build, not a charge build. Off course, only using melee is not the best way to do it. You'll clear the missions much faster spamming ultimates here and there while clearing the enemies on your path with your melee weapon. Taking your gun out will only slow you down.


A video I made to demonstrate that melee kills can be done pretty fast with a staff/polearm.

To focus only on melee, I'm not using any room clearing skills.



This tactic is viable in endless missions as well. When you slide around fast, the enemies have a hard time hitting you.

You should have no problem going up untill wave 30 or 30 min survival using melee and your CC skills. In ODD, you can easily go untill wave 40 without ultimates or any other CC skills.


I'll demonstrate it ingame, if you want to. (this is directed towards the PC members)

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I just think that keeping something like this so well hidden till last minute to announce you are removing charge attacks, thats not right. And they should have warned us this would happen. One of my favorite things about Warframe is being removed, and I cannot but feel strongly disappointed.

you really should watch more dev streams and prime time the removal of charge attacks as been on the table for quite awhile now, not confirmed mind you, but brought up more than once if i recall, also those threads letter 13 posted have this info scattered around too if i recall. 

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Your argument is so damned stupid that my friend literraly smashed his head into the desk when I shown this to him. Congrats, you're "special".

The new Melee 2.0 System will make the melee weapons much more powerful and viable. As a Dev stated, he got to Outer Terminus from Terminus with a SKANA! You are just afraid that your might 1HKO Super-Galatine will go away and you actually have to use skill in a battle.

You wouldnt believe how many people share his oppinion... At least on ps4. When starting to talk about this comming change on region chat people keep saying everything the OP said and even more stupid things.

Guess ill take a break from warframe till U13 is here, the region chat right now makes me running a lot of stuff solo when no friend is online.

Its really been a while since i had such stupid conversations, the region chat on ps4 makes even youtube comments look smart.

Edit: the change is good and welcome and im glad DE tries to improve the melee system. Hold melee hold melee hold melee is just no way to have a fun fighting system.

Edited by (PS4)fingernageldreck
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