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I Don't Want This Melee 2.0 Update.


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Any change is better than no change.

Because the point still stands, guns do waaay more DPS.

Melee 2.0 is meant to close up that gap.... or rather a RAVINE of firepower difference. 


But it won't address the core weakness of melee (short range, risk vs reward factor etc) but at least make it fun.

Let people have their fun.


I for one going to go crazy with my Dakra Prime for a few days then sheathe him up and carry on with my guns.




P.S.... And charged attacks are not going away.


PS. Charged attacks are going away for Jat Kittag, Orthos, Galatine and all other melees other than Kestrel and Glaive which are throwing weapons anyway. It was stated quickly in the Devstream 26. I am sure if you watch it again you will see it. They did quickly and quietly.


Any change is better than no change? I think changing something or adding a feature such as combos needed to have a reason. I can understand buffing melee, which is a good change. But the other changes like combination attacks, I am not so sure. And I personally liked the current fighting animations. What was wrong with them? They got the job done.

Edited by (PS4)PD_33
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Any change is better than no change.

Because the point still stands, guns do waaay more DPS.

Melee 2.0 is meant to close up that gap.... or rather a RAVINE of firepower difference. 


But it won't address the core weakness of melee (short range, risk vs reward factor etc) but at least make it fun.

Let people have their fun.


I for one going to go crazy with my Dakra Prime for a few days then sheathe him up and carry on with my guns.




P.S.... And charged attacks are not going away.

They really could make melee all-around viable if they made reflected bullets take on the damage qualities of one of your weapons. For example- reflected bullets would have damage values of your primary rifle or something.


Yes, carrying over multishot chance, serration, elemental damage values, and so on. This way, melee users can be just as useful as gun users. Does it make sense? Nope. Would it fix melee's range issue? Yerp.


You could say "Oh but then guns would have no purpose." Not true! For one, grineer and corpus only shoot in short bursts, so the damage won't be as sustained as guns. But this feature would give melee similar ranged BURST damage to guns, but guns would still have a place when heavy, sustained dps is needed. Not to mention, reflected bullets would have bad spread, compared to just shooting.


Third, Infested would still be cleared out better with guns in this case unless yer someone like Loki who can herd Infested to his decoy like cows to the slaughter.



Or, do what another forumer suggested; impliment Radial Disarm mobs. About as common as the Ember and Frost-like Grineer enemies. They could fry all ranged weaponry for about 30 seconds.

Edited by Triburos
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Wait... You actually lose those?



Yea I do, and I see veteran players lose them all the time. For example, when you are leveling a new frame or weapon, or formaing(if there is such a word) misfiring penta, or ogris. Having someone run in front of you while firing Ogris. It happens.


Also sometimes if you get knocked down, by high level enemy and you lose control of your character on passed 30 minutes on survival, it happens to the best of us. Don't pretend you don't die at all. That's just silly.


I have last week T3 Survival record on PS4. Lookup rankings if you don't believe me.

Edited by (PS4)PD_33
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Yea I do, and I see veteran players lose them all the time. For example, when you are leveing a new frame or weapon, or misfiring penta, or ogris. Having someone run in front of you while firing Ogris. It happens.


Also sometimes if you get knocked down, and you lose control of your character on passed 30 minutes on survival, it happens to the best of us. Don't pretend you don't die at all. That's just silly.


Never have I lost every life on a frame, Now that is just silly.

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But didn't DE say in the devstream that even a skana was viable in pluto?

Viable. Not ideal.


The OP does have a point.... Somewhat.


Melee by nature won't be as effective as guns. So what if you can do Pluto with a Skana? You can do it faster by just using a gun.


I want melee to be ON PAR with ranged so I can enjoy using melee while still being useful, not just 'viable'.

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I cant really understand OP's concerns xD....really not, or maybe im too nooby for that. But why ranting about a system that we havent tried, and that we have hardly seen in action ( i mean steve didnt really show how modding would affect the play, and just showed us a few combos, including the blocking and chanelling).

Or maybe i've overheard some parts in the stream...

Anyway, changes are necessary to be made in a game so it can compete with other games on the market - regardless of my understanding for your concerns OP - Melee 2.0 will come, and it will make us much more faboulous with slicing through the enemy and much much other things :3...

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I'm really looking forward to Melee 2.0. Every time I've been in a situation that demanded Melee, i've found it rather lacklustre in comparison to shooting things with my Bow. It would be nice to be able to viably use Melee in combat, rather than giving an enemy a cheap smack about if they get too close.
Also, it's be great to be able to see some melee oriented playstyles (which in a game with space ninjas, you'd be hoping to do flippy combos).

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Some of us don't die. 


.. Ever


OP Builds ftw



Lol, and all that you do is run around all day in your OP build, never switching or trying anything new. I have an OP build too. Check Rankings I was number 1 last week on T3 survival in PS4.

Edited by (PS4)PD_33
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Or, do what another forumer suggested; impliment Radial Disarm mobs. About as common as the Ember and Frost-like Grineer enemies. They could fry all ranged weaponry for about 30 seconds.


that's actually a really good idea for a squad leader power for infested to force players to fight on their terms...


Idk about you all but I have used reflection mods to close distances relatively easily in even melee 1.0... problem was when I got in their face I couldn't kill em quick enough or mite get stagger while charging.... looking forward to seeing how melee 2,0 can improve that for me... btw anyone noticed you can block for unlimited time with Iron skin on.... I never lost stamina while blocking in that...

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I think the OP is a bit confused over the changes.  This update will actually speed up melee combat and solve many of the issues that have been plaguing melee for so long.


Having only charge builds as viable in late game was frankly terrible, I'm very glad we'll no longer have to pick from two different mod paths for damage on melee weapons.  Their removal makes me exceedingly happy.


You keep talking about meleeing every enemy individually - if anything changes in this respect it will be giving aoe combos to weapons that previously single target.


Across your million paragraphs I haven't really noticed another distinct complaint, I'd approach the update with an open mind.

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something else the OP may have forgotten is the devs were showing that in their developer style test phase system they use not the real player interface and it just possible they had the gore turned off for whatever reason (its a livestream or the system can't handle all that, could have been the problem last week who knows) you know you can do that... in the settings... turn off the gore... and did you ever think with the buff that melee is getting (yes even the quick strikes look to be getting a buff) you might be doing as much or more damage with a quick strike then you did with your oh so fabulous charge attacks? don't knock it till you try it. geezz talk about needing some cheese with their whine... 

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PS. Charged attacks are going away for Jat Kittag, Orthos, Galatine and all other melees other than Kestrel and Glaive which are throwing weapons anyway. It was stated quickly in the Devstream 26. I am sure if you watch it again you will see it. They did quickly and quietly.


Any change is better than no change? I think changing something or adding a feature such as combos needed to have a reason. I can understand buffing melee, which is a good change. But the other changes like combination attacks, I am not so sure. And I personally liked the current fighting animations. What was wrong with them? They got the job done.

Yea I do, and I see veteran players lose them all the time. For example, when you are leveling a new frame or weapon, or formaing(if there is such a word) misfiring penta, or ogris. Having someone run in front of you while firing Ogris. It happens.


Also sometimes if you get knocked down, by high level enemy and you lose control of your character on passed 30 minutes on survival, it happens to the best of us. Don't pretend you don't die at all. That's just silly.


I have last week T3 Survival record on PS4. Lookup rankings if you don't believe me.

The thing I don't really get here is...

Why bring a low level frame/weapons to such high level areas, when you know it's dangerous and will surely cause you to die so easily? I dont get it.

Yeah. Take MK1 Braton, lato, and skana, all unranked, to Pluto defense mission and complain that you die so often. And just don't use Penta or Ogris if they keep taking away your revives!

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something else the OP may have forgotten is the devs were showing that in their developer style test phase system they use not the real player interface and it just possible they had the gore turned off for whatever reason (its a livestream or the system can't handle all that, could have been the problem last week who knows) you know you can do that... in the settings... turn off the gore... and did you ever think with the buff that melee is getting (yes even the quick strikes look to be getting a buff) you might be doing as much or more damage with a quick strike then you did with your oh so fabulous charge attacks? don't knock it till you try it. geezz talk about needing some cheese with their whine...

I just think that keeping something like this so well hidden till last minute to announce you are removing charge attacks, thats not right. And they should have warned us this would happen. One of my favorite things about Warframe is being removed, and I cannot but feel strongly disappointed.

Edited by (PS4)PD_33
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For what it is worth, you have some good points, and I agree with you. In my opinion, the best thing you can do right now is wait for the patch and see how it goes.


The devstream did not show much. If anything, the new melee system will bring some life into the game since everyone including you and me, will be chasing the new mods.


After all, why are you playing survival until late waves if not to get that one rare mod or rare prime part?


Personally, once melee is out and I get to practice enough with it to get a feel of it, I will provide my feedback just like everyone else. I am sure the system will be tweaked as necessary.


Since the game has no cover option (while the AI uses cover) to keep things frantic and fast paced, I see no reason why DE would want to slow their game down with the melee changes.


Furthermore, I am also disappointed the charged attacks will be removed. On the other hand, their implementation was uninspired, since charge damage was separated from base damage, forcing you to upgrade either way.


On the other hand, DE said they will buff melee damage, which leads me to believe standard attacks will be at least as powerful as current charged ones. 


Let's see how it goes, and we can provide objective feedback afterwards. :)


Personally, I would like to see better animations, better fluidity, bug fixing, less game breaking bugs caused by lag, dedicated servers, polished object collision detection so you can grip onto surfaces properly and have a reason to use parkour other than get around when the game forces me to. I care very little about new content that tends to add more bugs than address any.

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I just think that keeping something like this so well hidden till last minute to announce you are removing charge attacks, thats not right. And they should have warned us this would happen. One of my favorite things about Warframe is being removed, and I cannot but feel strongly disappointed.

Which is sort of hilarious because all your counter arguments due to being upset about this have been nonsense meant to get people on your side which makes you an enormous hypocrite as well as woefully misguided.

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