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More Prime Secondaries


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We have Bronco, and Sicarus Prime, but we need more Prime Secondaries to balance the number of primed gear we have.


I would suggest, Vasto Prime, Afuris/ Furis Prime, Lex Prime, Ballistica Prime, and Bolto/Akbolto Prime.


I understand this would be an issue with RNG, and the already painful farm fest, but with the removal of credit caches, I think post-U13 would be a more lucrative farming session. At least I hope.

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With the removal of credit caches, it will be more lucrative, but not if we replace the ONE thing they're taking out with THREE new things. What with prime gear coming in parts and all. I'm all for new prime secondaries, especially if they're dual secondaries, but I'd prefer to wait until they add more missions or more tiers. Preferably both.

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especially if they're dual secondaries


I think that if they bring single secondaries that, with its normal version, have dual-wielding counterparts (Lex, Vastos, Magnus), they should bring both of them as prime at once and not wait months later like they did with the Akbronco Prime. It's not like it takes that much effort to do the dual version anyway.

Edited by Casardis
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I think that if they bring single secondaries that, with its normal version, have dual-wielding counterparts (Lex, Vastos, Magnus), they should bring both of them as prime at once and not wait months later like they did with the Akbronco Prime. It's not like it takes that much effort to do the dual version anyway.


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With the removal of credit caches, it will be more lucrative, but not if we replace the ONE thing they're taking out with THREE new things. What with prime gear coming in parts and all. I'm all for new prime secondaries, especially if they're dual secondaries, but I'd prefer to wait until they add more missions or more tiers. Preferably both.


Yep.  I'd love to see more Prime Secondaries too (ALL my plat for Akvasto Prime).  Problem is we have no place to put the parts with how crowded the drop tables are currently.  But for that to happen we need a new tier or more mission types.  More mission types would be my preference.




I suggest Pot Prime because Grate Prime as primary feels nude without a proper secondary.

*Forever wanting Grate Prime as Glave skin*


What about Locker Prime as the Melee weapon to complete the set?

Edited by Xaelon
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They could just skip, or at least slow down, the addition of new weapons and start working on stuff that matters.

Like making RNG more fair. 

Improving the looks of old weapons.



This game has enough weapons, bad RNG, tons of grind and farm and enough diluted drop tables.

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They could just skip, or at least slow down, the addition of new weapons and start working on stuff that matters.

Like making RNG more fair. 

Improving the looks of old weapons.



This game has enough weapons, bad RNG, tons of grind and farm and enough diluted drop tables.

  • DE has said many times that creating new content is the way for F2P games to survive, so I wouldn't bet on them slowing down on adding junk anytime soon.
  • With how they been handling trading and drop rates, I've pretty much lost hope that they'd put any serious work into 'fixing' RNG soon.
  • And as for dilution, the only real way to fix it is to remove unnecessary/unwanted junk and/or add more places for them to be distributed.
Don't take this the wrong way. I agree with you, but I don't think DE will be making any major strides toward these goals at this time. Too focused on other things.
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Kunai Prime would be amazing.....golden and shiny...

This.  If only because I want a throwing knife that is relevant again. (55 damage and 2.5% crit chance arc projectile Vs. 160 damage and 15% crit chance hit scan....)


Wouldn't mind an Afuris Prime that matches up with Wraith Twin Vipers either.

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well with the Orokin Lab they might be releasing in UD13 they might be rotating the older prime stuff out of the void and into that, there for opening up slots for them to put new Prime stuff in the void.


The secondary i wish to see the most is Kunai or Hikou Prime. then i can have my full prime stealth loadout.

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well with the Orokin Lab they might be releasing in UD13 they might be rotating the older prime stuff out of the void and into that, there for opening up slots for them to put new Prime stuff in the void.



 I like the way you think.

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We have Bronco, and Sicarus Prime, but we need more Prime Secondaries to balance the number of primed gear we have.


I would suggest, Vasto Prime, Afuris/ Furis Prime, Lex Prime, Ballistica Prime, and Bolto/Akbolto Prime.


I understand this would be an issue with RNG, and the already painful farm fest, but with the removal of credit caches, I think post-U13 would be a more lucrative farming session. At least I hope.


If they're going to add primes to those, I'd rather they just be the akimbo version. It will be, what, 2 blueprints, 2 barrels, 2 recievers, 1 ak-blueprint, and 1 bolto prime link, plus twenty orokin cells? I know we're playing Grindfarm here, but lets be reasonable about it. How many people are going to want a single bolto prime? 1 barrel, 1 reciever, 1 blueprint = akbolto prime. No, it doesn't make sense, but I don't care. I want to have fun using and modding the guns, not using my already modded guns grinding for them forever (I'm looking at you, Ankyros).


My votes go to Akvasto Prime, Akbolto Prime, and I guess Afuris prime. They could always Dakra it and give us a prime machine pistol with no normal counterpart. With the Afuris and Dex Furis, I just don't feel like more Furis is really very interesting (but I'd still make them...) Just throw in something else to be cool. A different model and name can help with a feeling of variety, even if it will be a very similar bullet hose.


I love the aklex, but it looks more like a Corpus weapon, all dark and boxy. You can claim the Corpus bratons were reverse engineered from the braton prime (described as an Orokin original). Give me vandal aklex instead, but please with customizable colors on the pattern.


Edit: OH WELL. I'll just have to deal with a really cool looking Prime.

Edited by (PS4)ElZilcho
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I love the aklex, but it looks more like a Corpus weapon, all dark and boxy. You can claim the Corpus bratons were reverse engineered from the braton prime (described as an Orokin original). Give me vandal aklex instead, but please with customizable colors on the pattern.

Dex Lex

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