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Tips For A New Player?



I'm introduced to Warframe by a friend of mine and so far have been challenging but fun. I'm currently stuck on a mission on Earth, the one where you have to capture and hold points to win. Even with a full party of four players we still have failed to finish the mission. I'll try to down as much details about my gear and strategy, and perhap some veterans could give me some tips on how to improve my warframe and pass the mission?



Rank 25 Loki

Abilities: Rank 2 Decoy, Rank 3 Invisibilty, Rank 0 Switch Teleport, Rank 3 Radial Disarm

Mods: Rank 3 Redirection, Rank 0 Streamline, Rank 0 Quick Rest, Rank 2 Vitality, Rank 0 Thief's Wit, Rank 5 Energy Siphon


Primary Weapon:

Rank 14 Burston

Mods: Rank 0 Serration, Rank 0 Speed Trigger, Rank 0 Hammer Shot


Secondary Weapon:

Rank 12 Aklato

Mods: Rank 0 Heated Charge, Rank 0 Convulsion

I read from the wikia that radiation damages the Grineer more, hence I uses thes mods.


Melee Weapon:

Rank 12 Pangolin Sword

Mods: Rank 4 Pressure Point, Rank 1 Smite Grineer


General Strategy:

I'll tend to ask the team to divide into two teams of two in order to capture points. I thought this should be a good idea as it can divide the enemies so they don't tend to overwhelm us when we are at a single point. This also allows us to easily help each other when bleeding out.

I will use decoy to stall the enemies whenever I have the energy. As they are attracted to the decoy I can pick them off using headshots. My issue here is that there's always too many and I couldn't pick them off in time. There are also the taller ones that takes two burst or more to kill.

When the enemies are highlighted with a red circle, I'll rush into the crowd and use Radial Disarm. This stops the glowing enemies from using their fire wave attack, but also makes it harder for me to do headshots as the enemies rushes to get close.

When there are enemies with a translucent sphere around them, I'll try to enter the sphere to shoot the enemy. However, the crowd usually cause a lot of trouble and I'll have to use Radial Disarm, bringing me into the situation where I can't kill them as quickly.

Prioritise any enemy that approches the computer near the capture points. I would tend to do a jump attack on them as I can easily hit their head with my melee weapon to kill them quickly.


The above have help me to barely pass the first of such mission, but after two days I'm still stuck at the second mission. Is there something that I have missed?


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4 answers to this question

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It's a relatively common problem, earth is often the 'mod wall' for new players for this exact reason.


The quick option is try to find some well geared people to help (I'd offer, but sadly I'm restricted to the forums right now) 

The slow method would be go do a survival on merc, get some fusion cores, get your mods ranked up a bit and BECOME one of the more geared people. 


It's frustrating, it's a pain in the backside, but it's also a problem they are 'apparently' working on.


Best of luck, remember; Patience, Tenno.


Also, welcome to Warframe.

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I was helping my cousin get started this weekend, and as we were playing through the planets we hit the Interception mission on Earth.  It took us about 7-8 tries.  I've been playing for a few months now, and have several rank 30 frames and weapons with high ranking mods as well.


Anyways...I found a pretty good strategy if you have one person with decent DPS stand at the long cave opening.  Just point down the tunnel and shoot the long line of enemies coming.  This causes less enemies to spawn on the rest of the map and it gives you a little breathing room causing the enemies to have to walk all the way down the cave opening to get to you again.


The main problem with this map isn't really that so many AI mobs spawn.  It is the fact that it takes somewhere around 30 - 40 seconds for a tenno to capture a point from full red to full blue, and it only takes one sneaky grineer at a terminal for 5 seconds to go back to being full red.  They should make it fair one way or the other.  Either make capturing a successful terminal hack or make it to where the grineer have to fight you off of the spot just like you have to do to them.

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I've decided to give it another go, this time with only another player. After having a "Host Migration In Progress" progress bar, the enemies simply stop spawning. And I've now moved on to Jupiter without actually knowing why...

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