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How About No More Nerf Requests For A Few Months


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I think for 6 months all neerf requests should be rejected, and only bug reports should be accepted. Personally I am sick of it this is a PVE setting meaning you do not have to be the best your kill score is not important. If someone has built their Warframe for high dmg output and you do not like it their are other options rather than claiming OP. Allot of more important things need to be worked on rather than making a NO CAP ENEMY game harder by claiming something is op. You rate your standards by PVP standards. You also rate them by your play abilities, and skill level.  So I ask as a community that unless an ability is not working properly let DE fix some of the actual problems before you start claiming OP. Learn your Warframe, build up your friends list, join a guild, and play with people who like you do not use the mod or ability combination you do not like or under stand. It causes less rifts and allows DE to get to work on the important things. I just ask you stop the OP whine for a few month and as a community we enjoy the game they provided. I would like to se variant powers instead of neerfed powers.

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Balance is just impossible. Try to balance everything and you end in endless loop of balance, poor character customization and boring gameplay with horrible cooldowns.


In a pve game you need CCers you need dps dealers, you need AoE specialist and single target dpser, you need solid class and frail one with diferent utilities.


those diferences cannot be balanced because you can't compare some kind of invulnerability with some AoE, that just don't work. I'm on MMO stuffs since near the begining of it, I've seen a lot of balancing effort trough my "career" and that was never what gave a great game.


a great game is not something balanced but something that give you big momentum.


these great memories arn't linked to the balance but are linked with  some chaos and short impulse of godlike feeling, or surviving the impossible...

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I read two that were crap-tastic and new. My suggestion is not to stop them but to take a total break. You who cry balance also usually forget everyone has a different view of balance. Allot will also try and balance everything based on one Warframe. The problem is not balance, in most of theses complaints,  it is players, and you cannot balance players. Asking to give DE a break for a few months from whining is actually a good thing. Unless you support the whining? A big difference between a balance problem, a player problem, and just whining. 90% of the OP complains I have read is just whining, and usually it is a whine about a player problem. I would have to say the OP whines are down for two reasons, the underage crowds are not whining as much, and the experienced crowed are not playing as much. The warframes have different job roles, and balance is not what is needed it is harmony they must work together. The functions of the roles are defined, and weather or not the frames fall within the parameters of the job description is the first and foremost importance. You don't compare a tank and a sports car and expect them to be balanced in performance and style, and making such demands is foolish. Some of the balance demands falls within the comparison between a sports car, and tank and expecting them to be balanced, only a fool would expect the functions to be balanced.



Yes I have a Rhino avatar, but I have all non-prime, and play them all efficiently without complaining.  The person that commented about my avatar had a trinity avatar lol.

Edited by Eoptap
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That is my point I came in just after they changed Frost's Snowglobe. Read what it was before, and got to use it now. The biggest complaint was it was not mobile so they changed it to hp based, well it has been dropping before the timer counts down now. With no cap on Defense and survival that just cut the fun. I like dropping a glob to help protect the person reviving, but when it takes one hit to drop the Snowglobe, at higher waves, I  cannot help save teammates anymore. I do not use frost to get the kills I use him as the defensive wall for the team when needed. Its not like the Snowglobe was invulnerable enemies could still walk up and beat you to death or close range fire. Before it was a defensive wall to be proud of now it is not. The enemy Snowglobe is better. Why? because someone whine OP when it was not. The compared the defensive line to what ever frame they had and cried balance. It is very apparent they have never researched war history. War is not won with balance, and that is what the Teno are in is war. So they cry that the want an ally weaker for balance without thinking about the overall result. Turning the Defensive wall into tissue paper.  All they had to do was learn how to use what they had in creative ways.

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I will respond to this with a list of things I want to see nerfed:






Shield Polarise

Bleed Procs


Rhino Prime

Boltor Prime


The "4" Key

Melee Saryn

High-end Damage as a whole



Melee 2.0

The game

The Grineer

The Corpus

The lack of Infested


All of the Frames



This Thread

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Good as most of it is a player issue not balance. This is not PVP after all and holding PVE to PVP balance standards is folly. I have said before you don't like the way someone is playing   play with someone else. That is what clans and guilds are for you find the people you like to game with and play. Can I stomp a lot with rhino yes do I no. Will I if the part is dyeing allot, and we are trying to exit yes. Or if I am in a group and we are running a all or nothing run using no revives going until death or we get something real good. I can put together the dreaded Trinity combo easy, but don't.  That was the first I read anyone saying it was from the added enemy. Been looking for information as I have friends talking about it only found the complaints about the change, and the op whiners. I will say it again the day you can show me a off he line regular sports car that can function as a Tank is the day I will believe your "Balance" argument has validity. After all that is hat your argument boils down to you expect a team that had different job roles to function the same. It just dose not happen, in anything but fantasy. To much balance gets to be True Neutral do nothing dull no variation + crap-tastic.

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Yea to much rational though will do that to the balance crowd. They cant comprehend it is the player that will break any system no mater how balanced one person may think it is. The world it not filled with paladins and order after all.

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Yea to much rational though will do that to the balance crowd. They cant comprehend it is the player that will break any system no mater how balanced one person may think it is. The world it not filled with paladins and order after all.


It is the short sighted and un-comprehending attitude that say 'because people will abuse systems that no effort should be made to create less abusable/broken systems' that leads to endless power creep and the illusion of choice rather than actual choice.


It's almost as if no has has heard of asymetrical balance, intangibles, and power scales. It's almost as if the people wanting balance don't desire a forced meta requiring the next one button push room clearing power escalating mega weapon, funny that.  Now I'm employing hyperbole here for effect but I just wanted to make sure I hammered the point home to the people that mistake brainless, no risk, 'one button nuke' gaming for "skill" and that that is somehow what 'real gamers' want.


Point is balance is an important aspect of game design (and creating actual challenge within the game), yes even in a PvE game don't kid yourself, and it is incumbent upon the player base to point out where it seems to be broken, and up to the Developers to decide what to keep and what to change.

Edited by Agent_of_Change
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As someone who has been employed in the software development and related industry since the invention of the PC, I would rather DE concentrate on bug fixing and a better game engine, rather than spend their time dealing with someone crying about OP and nerf. Never in my life have I discovered more individuals complaining about how powerful game characters or weapons have become.


Let the developers fix the problems instead of whining about your inability to understand the game mechanics, learn how to piece together game strategy and have fun. It's just a game. 

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That is my point bug fixing is more important than stroking the ego of whiners. Do I have things I could complain about, oh yes a whole list, but I want the bugs fixed first like I said above I am dis appointed with Snowglobe, but I am not asking for a fix right now. I want the bugs fixed, and if you read my other comments that talked about the solutions, you would have allot less to complain about. No system is perfect, and people will always look to break it. I look to work with the team I am with, and survival as long as I can I o not care if someone can do more dmg than me that is not the point of a team. This is a team survival game, and you are trying to survive a war. Has that fact slipped your mind in all you worry about having to have the scout on equal footing with the tank? The team is the balance figure out the dynamic or put together a team you can work with it is not they system that is at fault unless a bug is the problem most of the time it is the player.

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Also most of the complaints do not take into account the entire environment. The trouble is not balance it is the desire to over balance and make the scout and the Tank be on equal footing even though the job rolls are different. This is a fantasy team survival war system with no top end the Survival, and defense missions do not end, and grow in difficulty as you keep going most people do not factor that in when they cry for the balance they want. You want a challenge you have that availability to build your warframe so every level is a challenge. Someone else wants to cake walk the levels well you don't want them to have that ability. Why because you don't want to ply with them. then don't. Exit the game they are with, send them a message ask them to tone it down for team dynamics. Join a clan with the same view, or build a friends list, and never play random.  The options are in place to not play with the power builders but instead of utilizing them people cry about balance. The system for the Teno side is actually a little under powered in many respects when you scale to some of the higher waves, as with scaling not limited on the enemy you have no way to say you will never find a challenge. At some point all weapon and powers will become virtually ineffective on an individual level, and you are stuck with manipulation powers to get the enemy to fight each other, and pry you are not caught in the cross fire.

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