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Starting Orokin Derelict And Tier Key Quests



Hello everyone!


I have been playing Warframe a couple of months now.  The only frame I haven't taken time to farm yet on the normally available planets is Excalibur.  I don't have Loki either, but I just have to buy the blueprint for it and build.  I am wanting to start farming Nekros, but I am unsure how the Orokin Derelict missions work.


I've been hesitant on doing any OD or Tier 1-3 key quests up to this point, because I don't really know what to expect or what I need to be able to complete them successfully.


Are there any beginner guides that would help me familiarize myself with the process?  I'm not sure how to make the keys for the OD Assassination missions.  Is there any equipment that I need to bring (Dragon Keys, Team Restore gear)?  Do I need my frames and weapons potato'ed to be any help in the T3 missions?


I appreciate any help on this.






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2 answers to this question

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T1 keys at least are relatively easy so you should be fine doing those. OD missions and t2-t3 you will probably want at least some potatoed gear. But if you have a good squad you won't fail them.  


The ODA keys are built with golem nav coorordinates that you will find in the other OD missions. 


dragon keys are for vault runs in the OD, the vault runs are for corrupted mods. 


you might want to look through the warframe wiki for more, it explains most everything. 

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Build OD keys from Nav Coordinates, go there, kill stuff, break containers, and you'll find Golem Nav Coordinates. Then just buy an ODA key BP on the market, and build it. Simple!

Additional gear? There are no Vaults in ODA, so Dragon Keys are useless there. Team restores are a good idea, there'll be a lot of Toxin, so you'll need to use Team Health Restores.

Generally speaking, check on Wiki under "Lephantis" keyword to see what you'll need to kill him.

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