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Please Fix Permanent Stalker Mark


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It's really getting annoying considering that AT LEAST the G3 and Harvester don't bother me if i don't bother Salad or Hek while i'm not killing any bosses nor getting any "mails" from Stalky.

Please, i'm running out of patience with this (and other issues too) because is not the first time it has been adressed yet nothing seems to be done, fix the permanent Stalker mark.


I also take occasion to report another issue: I'm been pulled to death by The stalker because it spawned BEHIND A WALL, either remove that Pull (and Shuriken) idiocy or eighter make Stalker spawn propely.

Edited by Otakuwolf
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 The issue with the stalker mark is that before the changes it could stack.  Which means you have built up a stack and you still haven't cleared it.  It might even be able to stack now, but most definitely, we are sure that you are still working off old stalker marks and that is why you aren't getting messages from him.

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I also take occasion to report another issue: I'm been pulled to death by The stalker because it spawned BEHIND A WALL, either remove that Pull (and Shuriken) idiocy or eighter make Stalker spawn propely.

Oh ew, he's doing that again? I had that happen to me once; easily one of the most rage-inducing deaths I've ever suffered in this game.

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