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List Of Game Suggestions No. 2


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Here I go again, suggesting stuff to the game.

Read and discuss if you like.

Like the last time, suggestions for the whole Warframe universe:


1. Improve the trading system. Here two possible system changes (both may even work together):

1.1 Create an additional window that can be opened via the trading tab, or somewhere else, however. This window will allow players to list items they want to sell or buy. Players can choose from a list which item they want to buy, the others can use a search function to check, who wants to buy the item that they want to sell. All of that without showing a price once. Why? It would lead to a chaotic auction house system as seen in MMORPGs. Undercutting prices, prices set by rich players, prices completely missing the actual value of the item, etc. So you basically add an auction house-like window, with the same features, except not involving any price listings, only showing sellers/buyers with the item they request/offer and the amount. Additionally add a feature that allows to look for players name specifically window. The trade process itself will be simply executed by traditional negotiating via PM.


1.2 Allow trading without having the need to invite people to the Dojo. Not everyone is able to join one's session. By using the trade post in your Clan Dojo you should be able to send trade offers to players and trade with them without even having the need of inviting them into your Dojo for the process. Yes indeed, problem would be a massive spam of those trade offers. To avoid that, please check suggestion no. 2. But I'm sure it would be a way, that makes many players happy.



2. Add an option to choose from which players you want to receive notifications. Option should feature the following to enable/disable: Clan Members, Friends, Recent Players, All. I imagined it looking like a list where you can tick boxes to enabe/disable the desired notification options. Also it should contain an exception list, that if you choose to receive messages from clan members and friends only, that you are able to add a player's name to that list, who will be able to send you notifications, even though he is neither in the clan or friendlist. Of course with this feature, notifications about invitations from other players or trade offers (as written in suggestion no. 1) can be controlled and lead to much less spam messages in game. This is not just a suggestion, it's also a requirement for suggestion no. 1.2.


3. Add Tier 4 void missions to the game, including the necessary keys. (Maybe something which will come in the future anyway, together with new weapons/frames). This could also be a way to split void rewards (Prime BPs) into more instances. I mean seriously, look at some towers, way too many rewards for a single mission tier, its almost impossible to have the luck to get the item you aim for.


4. Add mini-boss fights in missions. I'm talking about complete new enemies / enemy types, that are unique for each faction and have a chance to drop either a rare resource of the sector's resource table, or with a rare chance a weapon BP that meet the sector's tier requirements and that players can also acquire from the market (i. e. a regular market weapon: Karak BP from a mini-boss fight on any earth mission). These mini-boss fights should not occur on Assassination missions. The spawn of the Headhunters (Stalker, Harvester, Gustrag Three) should also negate the effect of spawning a mini-boss in a mission as they basically are mini-bosses. To differ I simply wanted those new mini-bosses to spawn with a higher rate unlike the Headhunters.


5. Add more enemies to the "Wild" faction. 1 enemy alone doesn't build a faction in my opinion.


6. At the market add either a search function, additional tabs, or sub-tabs to make it easier finding an item. I saw profile pictures mixed with other stuff in the bundles tab, why not create an additional profile pictures tab somewhere? I now I'm being fussy, but I did oversee stuff in the past, and I'm sure this also happens especially to newer players.


7. Take the events that happened on the PC version only out of the PS4 leaderboard statistics.


8. In the Clan Dojo, when opening the decoration mode/editing mode when activating a control panel, disable to auto cancel/quit of the decoration mode after editing an object. This is annoying. Example: You go to a control panel of any random room in your clan, activate the decoration editing mode, you go to an object that's far away from the control panel, or hidden behind other objects, you edit the object or cancel edit and then you get kicked out of this mode - you have to go back to the control panel, activate the editing mode, and do it all again. For each object you want to edit you have to reactivate this mode. Please change that. Put a button that cancels the mode at your will. I don't know L2 or whatever button is not required in the editing mode (you have more options on a PC keyboard). This should make object editing a way more comfortable and time consuming.


9. Clan Tournaments, or an event that allows the clans to fight against each other duel-like, or if you really want to go all out: add a battlefield for a clan vs clan battles that allows a certain amount of players to join (of both participating clans). The players will be split into squads, i. e. 5x4 Squads = 20 members total for both clans (or maybe less total participants, when thinking about lag issues). The rules may differ: melee only, all weapons no abilities, no restrictions, negative effects known from nightmare mission. Yes I copied that idea from mmorpgs, so what? It is a nice idea to add clan wars to the game, including a place on the leaderboard showing clan victories and such. It is very possible to realize that idea, and it would increase the pvp part in the game (since this is a very pve forward game so far). The only problems are the performance of the game and ping issues, especially on the console. Despite disrespecting the Tenno's ethnics I mean.... well, maybe note that idea for someday in the future though?


10. In the clan window, before "Joining Session" of a player (I mean that option when you click on a player's name in there), you should be notified about the mission he participates in, the squad members and the mission time played, before being dragged into a game you may not really like to join.


11. Clan Leaders and by rank privileged people should be able to "auto-promote" clan members. How is that supposed to work you ask? You may set certain things/statistics that must be complied by the player to receive a certain rank automatically, i. e. if the player has killed over 100,000 monsters and reached mastery 8, he will be automatically promoted to "Destroyer", without a further do from a promoter. Believe it or not, not being promoted in a clan IS a reason for people to leave a clan. Of course, inactive clan leaders are not excused for that, but it would take a burden off their shoulders (especially when leading a full moon clan I suppose).


12. Allow players to look into their INVENTORY when in CLAN DOJO, please I want this so badly.



The following are new:


13. In the modding window in the arsenal, add 3 more filters to the drop down menu of the mod list: "Auras", "Abilities" and "Rarity"


14. Publish a player's progress of the solar map in the profile for everyone.


15. Enable clan leaders to see the time a player has been a member of the clan.


16. Enable players to see how long they needed to accomplish a mission, in the mission results.




That's it for now, for more of my suggestions check out my first list (link below).





Edited by (PS4)Eneokun
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