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What's A Good Offensive Warframe?



16 answers to this question

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All Frames have offensive capabilities, so it depends mostly on your preferences. 


Nova is probably the greatest damage dealing caster, but crazy fragile. So more of a glasscannon!


Rhino is kinnda the oposite, his spell damage output is still good up unti midgame, but his high survivability and CC aspects are what make him shine in lategame.


Generally when it comes to damage output your weapons are more important, since almost all damage abilties do close to nothing ~lvl40 enemys anymore! Before that, all Frames are more or less effective and viable.

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I'd suggest Ember, know how to play and I can say you'll be able to pull off a 45:00 Min Survival solo on Sedna. 


I just did.


Ofcourse I'm not currently using Corrupted mods nor equipping a Soma. Rather I was using my favs


(I save my Corrupted mods for a proper challenge)


Burston Prime, no Forma but does hold a tater.


Twin VWraiths, for when it needs to die NOW. (And I never have an issue with ammo)


Bo, 8-Forma but still weak as hell... but those sound effects XD


Dethcube was fully decked out along with his Sweeper.

Edited by un1337ninj4
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Loki has a great AoE ability that removes the ememies firearms, he can go invisible, and can create a decoy. He can also switch teleport but i havn't found a great use for that yet. He is a great solo frame and is highly capable of killing every single enemy with a melee weapon or just shoot them when they can't shoot back.

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If you wan't a really op and really boring dmg frame, then nova is for you. But it won't be boring if you actually use the other powers instead of pressing the same little button again and again.

Besides the fact her ult is boring to use she also doesn't have defensive abilities from my understanding.


I was looking at the wiki and Volt looks pretty good, what's everyone's opinion on that WF? 

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If you are talking about Warframe powers that actually kill enemies rather than make it easier to survive or kill enemies with weapons: Mag can become a CC/Kill Crush Bot, Volt can Shock to damage/kill/stun and then use Speed to Melee Chainsaw through them all with a fast weapon crit/Berserker mod build. And Saryn is a perfect blend of offense, defense, and advantage abilities.

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Ember or saryn. They are very good


This, I particularly like running around on my Ember Prime with a 25 second World on Fire tossing Accelerant everywhere and lighting things up at the same time with my Ignis. Super effective! And Saryn's poison quiffs are "to die for".

Edited by Sedant
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MAg is a good offensive caster + you can keep your shields up  


Deadly vs corpus 


But The best pure offensive frame is Nova , Just Mprime....so powerful 


Molecular Prime is nothing at higher waves, it just becomes a slow down utility. Her real power is in AMD, with a 5 forma Tysis you can hit for 3 miilion plus without really trying.

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