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Forma Monsters!


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There's a more subdued, matte black in the smoke pack that you must have if you have that black color.  Right now you're so shiny you'd glow like a black sun.

ssssssssssshhhhhhhhhhhh don't tell everyone...let them continue to have their fun with pitch black



hold on..... why do you have a maxed heavy cal but not a maxed serration?

Thats just sad.....someone give this man a L.Core

Edited by Ishki88
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Do you use Corrosive&Blast build against Grineer always? It's not very good in my opinion. also Braton Prime has a low status chance even with the Event mods so Corrosive won't be much useful. I'd use a Radiation-Viral or Radiation-Cold.


Anyway I'm impressed by your patience to do it other than a "6 Forma Braton Prime" :)

Edited by CookingFood
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I have one of those too. It used to be my favorite weapon. Not sure if or when it happened but it feels really nerfed now.


The changes to continuous fire weapons dumbed it down alot, even though it was recently buffed.


Continuous fire weapons still need a rework.

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