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Something (New Mission Type)


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Hi... I was thinking in a new game type...
Something like defense.
The mission start with lotus saying:
Tenno, I found activity of grineer/corpus machinery in this sector
They are distributing resources across the system
We must deribate their resources to our container
You enter into a room where in the middle is a distribution center with 4 rails, 2 of them go from somewhere to the center, 1 goes from the center to somewhere (corpus/grineer base) and 1 goes from the center to tenno's container.
Every 30 sec one box with supplies reach the center, You've 10 sec to activate the console and derivate it to your container. If you do not activate the console the box will go to grineer/corpus "base".
Every 2minutes the rails will get stuck and you've to repaired it (activate a console from a tower) or Every 2 minutes the machine will overheat and you've to activate a refrigerating/cooling center.
If the corpus/grineer get "x" amount of resourses or your container is destroyed you will lose (an indicator like interception will be nice)
The extraction will be able at 5min (like survival)
Each box will give you resourses:
100/200/350 Common... Chance 75%/70%/68%
50/80/150 Uncommon... chance 20%/24%/24%
1/1/1 rare... Chance 5%/6%/8%
Rewards every 5min:
T1: 15% credit bundle... 10% keys T1... 2%keys  T2... Mods
T2: 10% keys T2... 20% credit bundle... 3% keys... Mods
T3: 20% credit bundle... 10% T2... 8% T3... Mods

Green: Distribution center
Blue: Cooling center / stuck console
Purple: Tenno Container
Arrows: Rails direction
Yellow: Redirection consoles

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