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Will Cicero/tethra Mods Come Back In Nightmare?


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DE said once they "might open the vault again" and get some old event-items out in some gamemodes, other events etc. I dont know of any statement of the cicero mods coming out in nightmare tho, please correct me if im wrong.


Personally I hope they wont get the old event stuff out too often, because, well its event stuff, exclusive and stuff.

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I have to say they WILL come back at some time. Arguably they are game-changing mods, so players that missed out will have more limited builds.

Just stick with what you have and wait for it. Bring it up during Q/As, Livestreams and all that good stuff. They'll come eventually.

Edited by kaboomonme
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tldr; I'd expect so, the only question is timeframe and implementation.


To expand, Many other nightmare mods were initially event mods, so there's a precedent set. The only exceptions to this that I am aware of are event mods that were single-stat (Mutations, and PC), one of which has been released in another game type, and the other which is a source of constant arguments :P However, both Cicero and Tethra's Doom mods are dual-stat rare mods, in the fashion of Nightmare mods, so on this front there is no obstacles.

One problem with releasing them is that some Nightmare mods are already nightmarishly difficult to get, requiring dozens of runs if RNG has a bad day. Imagine putting 8 new mods into these tables. I think that eventually, we'll see either stratification by level, or by mission type, but as it stands right now, this would make getting any particular mod far easier, so I'm not quite sure how DE is likely to handle this. I'd call this one of the bigger issues.

Another problem is Special Cupcake Syndrome. Basically, people hate the idea of other people getting access to something that makes them special. It's often accompanied by legitimate reasons-see Founders. For event mods this is often an issue, but both events (Cicero at the end, Tethra right from the start) were easy to achieve high enough in to be given the mods, so people are unlikely to feel like their special toys are being given away.


My final point for now is that as mentioned above, they are potential game-changing mods. The absurdly high status chances compared with any other mods in the game allow builds that would be impossible without them, and the elemental stacking allows more of your favourite element (far less game changing, but still significant). The longer these mods go unreleased, the larger the proportion of people without them-especially given that we're probably going to have an influx of new players-which means a larger proportion of the community without game-changing mods. DE is going to want to fix this problem when it becomes a problem. Right now, I would imagine at least half the community, and most of the more serious-minded players have Tethra's mods, and a good chunk have Cicero-and most of those that don't, missed out because of themselves, rather than the game. In a few months time, there will be a far larger proportion of people who missed out purely because they hadn't found the game. DE is going to want to fix this at some point.

Edited by SolarDwagon
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They need to be released in the future as they are substantially better than any other mod available.  This creates a huge imbalance for newer players as they do not have access to equivalent items.  I agree that they should remain exclusive for a time but a summer 2014 release would be just fine.  This gives players time to trade/sell them, and if they are not doing this there is no harm from releasing them.  Also, Primed Chamber needs to be released for exactly the same reason.

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They definitely need to come out somehow, and openly rather than 'notintimesuxforyoutillnextone' events. All the event mods (dreaded P. Chamber excluded) have been released at some point on the game, so for DE not to release such game changing mods.... well that'd be an issue.

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