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Idea: Twisted Corrupted


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A little warning beforehand, I've put next to no thought into this beside the general idea(s).


Its a random thought I just had, but what if some of the Corrupted enemies were replaced with Twisted enemies? 


Twisted Corrupted would be the Corrupted who became warped and twisted by the Void after spending many years under the control of the Neural Sentry, and would be the Orokin's Leader enemies.


The difference between them and the other Faction's Leader's is that the Twisted would have more powers, and would have more customized armor that was created and melded to their body by the Orokin's automatic systems. So think of them as Corrupted Tenno, or Anti-Tenno, so to speak.


Another idea is to instead have them become mini-bosses, or pseudo-Stalkers that only have a chance of appearing while in the Void and drop a part of a Prime weapon based on the mission type and rank.


Thoughts on this?

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Ancient Corrupted sentinels. I like it, although seeing as Heavy Gunners are technically the leader units then the Twisted would need to be a Hunter type only coming for you when you're in the void, or would need to be more varied and powerful than the Heavy Gunners - which you've already explained.


So yes, viable and a good idea.

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