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Stug Worth It?



I just got the Stug and wondering if it should be potated and a primary secondary. 


I have Loki, Valkyr, and Zephyr


Mainly a Paris Prime


and the Orthos Prime if any of that helps. 



Should I make the Stug legit or just get level 30 and sell? Ty :D 

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3 answers to this question

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depends on you, i personally really like the concept but the weapon itself doesnt fit with my playstyle. i potatoed mine anyway :D


protip: if you can, collect rare 5 cores and sell them, use the plat to purchase weapon and frame slots as they are some of the only things necessary that can only be gotten with plat


edit: this might be old info but you could sell the rare 5s for 2-3 plat each not too long ago.

Edited by Retrikaethan
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