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Solar Rails: Build Your Own Or Defend Another. Post Your Reasons Here!


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Personally i'm going to defend another one from a Decently large clan i know, Its easier to keep things going if my small clan takes care of another rail, Then we have nothing to worry about ;D But in the future i will Definitely make my own Rail, Once my Clan gets bigger. (if it does) =)





Post your own choices and reasons Tenno! :)

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will most likely defend someone else's bridge.

Even with the best taxes and battle pays there will be permanent contestements because of the hype, this will also cause bridges to appear and disappear rather quickly, especially in earlier levels like mars (due to influx on newbies)


So to waste an absurd ammount of resources to have something temporary seems like a bad deal, I don't really care if i need to give a certain ammount of resources to someone, if they lose resources it's not my problem, if they win resources then it's not my concern.


I will leave the bridges to other aliances, if you gain revenue (which at this point, will serve you no good) then congrats, if you lose resources then lesson learned, move asside so others can share your pain.


I will however create a bridge if no one contests a particular location and only if the tax is really, really high.


My only concern is to do the missions in those particular locations, the harder the better, as for politics, i will leave that for those who are intereted in politics

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My clan is small (only four players, of which I am the most active), so we'll stand no chance against clans like Warbros. I'll probably just run around causing chaos while the big boys slug it out.


or you could join an alliance

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Im thinking of making my own solar rail (which will probably only last one battle).


But if i dont try then i wont know the outcome haha,



(also i plan to join an alliance at some point, just wanna faff about with it on my own first)

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Even though I'm only a solo clan, I'm going to try to claim a place for my self so I have a stake of my own and also some income for my vault. Though since I like many players have suffered the slog of farming for stuff in this game my taxes wont be bad. Also I'm taking into account that farming for credits ain't that hard so if I manage to get a spot before anyone else, my plan is reasonable but economical.

Credit tax = 5%

Resource tax = 0%


Hope fully that works out for me :P

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