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Warframe To Complement The Vectis



Hey guys, I've looked around forums for a while looking at these topics and what I got so far was

-bows outclass snipers

-snipers fill more of a support than DPS role


I don't mind playing a support role, so what I'm looking for is a warframe who's abilities compliments the Vectis sniper


Some things I've considered:

-Frost can shoot safely from inside his snow globe

-Loki can direct away aggro and fire headshots while invisible. He can also get to sniping positions with switch teleport

-Volt can shoot behind his electric shield, which amplifies damage as well (seems to be best for corpus). He also has his speed and stun.

-Zephyr has great mobility to get to sniping positions and turbulence is a pretty good defensive skill


I'm also wondering if Trinity, who's already a supportive frame, would fit a sniper archetype well. She has that invulnerability skill, but I feel like mobility is more important (for the sniper playstyle)


What are your thoughts?

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his skill set isn't a support one its DPS


anyway Nekros mite be a good choice for the vectis as you can  pick off large enemies then unleash them as a horde on the  enemies.


other wise id go with volt because of the versatility of his skillsets.

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loki, banshee, zephyr. in no particular order. vauban too, come to think of it. for banshee it's because of sonar, and if you hit the pretty glowy spots, you will kill almost everything with ease for quite a while. loki, zephyr, and vauban because of their mobility. they can get into high places, and vauban also serves an alternative support role with bastille/vortex. also helpful for sniping when everything's not moving or in one spot


as for trinity, she's best as a mad bomber, but yeah, sniping is fine for her too. she can sit back and cast blessing from anywhere, so you don't need to be in the fray with your team

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Banshee, Volt or Loki would be my choices. 

Volt is my favorite of the three because you can stun enemies without leaving your sights and whilst reloading. It has such great synergy with the Vectis and is very helpful for lining up headshots. Shock (stun) also has infinite ranges which compliments the hitscan infinite range of the Vectis.  

Banshee is the obvious choice if you just want gigantic numbers though I guess.

Edited by Cynick
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I'd go with banshee as sonar buffs your teammates. She had midrange health and shields so survivability is good. Sonic Boom is a decent CC for anything that gets close and sound quake can be a fun ability to stun enemies.

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