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Is Rolling Going To Have I-Frames?


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All I know is that certain melee fight and movement animations had better timers and animations added to them (that's something they said like 2 or 3 livestreams ago)

So it might be more responsive now and you might be able to incorporate it into meleeing a bit better?

We will have to wait and see.

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I only ever use rolling to shake off the mini roller bombs anyway, would be nice if it could fit into new melee better, but it has its use now


Leechers from Leech Ospreys too. ^^ Actually, it's good to move around using rolling/dodges in action, ppl just don't like it or don't know how to use it well.

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Rolling locks you into animation and so makes you immune to CC for the duration.


Also, I believe that both dodging and rolling offer some level of damage reduction already, though I may just be thinking of a different game.

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