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Goat (Sacrifice) Simulator 2014: How Kind Rngesus Was To Me


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I don't even know where to start with Rhino Prime: you have systems raining from the sky, but not so much as a sign of the other components. Since Rhino prime came out, I've been casually farming void missions for the components on and off, but only 14 systems to show for it.


So, several goats later, I decided to join a random T3S from recruiting chat.


That very run, I got Quick thinking, Whirlwind AND the Chassis in 20 minutes. Unfortunately, one of the squad members d/ced shortly after. Poor guy. The rest of us extracted after another 10 minutes with no problem, though.


Anyone have any ridiculously lucky experiences with RNG they would like to share?

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Looking for Ember Prime Helmet


55 missions on T2 Exterminate Nothing but Rhino Prime System BP and Orthos Prime BP and 1 Forma.


Drop tables Suck Big Time.


Farming for more keys now. Another 70 or 80 hours down the tube.

Edited by (PS4)Fbeast2
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I've gotten, in my runs, Three Rhino Prime Chassis. One was farming for myself, One was farming for someone else and I tagged along. I sold that one. And the last one was helping out a friend of the guy i sold the second one to. That one i also either sold or gave to a friend. Another story was that i was farming the Boltor Prime BP and used every single one of my, and a friends, T3 MD keys. ran one on recruiting chat, got it first try.

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Yep. Right after Oberon came out, I went and farmed for him. Got all the parts in just three runs. If that isn't ridiculously lucky, I dunno what is.

Burston Prime, four runs on three keys. BEFORE they made it easier to get.


Not that I'm bragging :P

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It always seems like one part is ridiculously common, 2 others are rare and one is incredibly rare. Rhino Prime is the only frame I'm missing and I'm leaving it on hiatus right now because trying to make any other part than the system drop seems way too unlikely after several tries.

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You stayed another 10 min after getting the Chassis?


First reaction would be to book it to extraction, but I wasn't the key host, plus I didn't mind staying a bit longer.


I normally run T3S for the Mag Prime Systems mainly because it's the last component I need, but the Rhino Prime Chassis isn't bad either.

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After sacrificing a good amount of babies, in the first week for U12.5, the 3rd T3 MD I joined in recruiting, we get a Boltor Prime bp. Then the next day, I wanted to get some credits, so I planned on joining a random T3, the first to show up which happened to be T3 MD. So I threw a couple more babies into the pit for sacrifice and what'd ya know, another Boltor Prime BP.  :P   So much babies sacrificed, I'll consider them my heroes. 

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I played enough Monster Hunter to know how RNG really works


If you want something your chances of getting it will be lower than the normal percentage 

So,you have to want it but not really


Thats how i mind trick the RNGod 


Anyway on topic:


It was before blueprints became guarenteed drops,i was farming Regor like a mothergrineer,over 50 runs to get the systems

I had to put up with RNG,slow players,noob players,the orb name teasing me by not showing up until the reward screen

Soafter all those runs i was devastated,i say to myself

"if this is the game im not enjoying it so this is the last run if i dont get it then to hell with this"

I went solo my Excalibur didnt rushed this time,he walked trough the level like a man on his way to the rope,killing each ennemy with caution

I get to Tyl and i destroy his sorry &#!

The orb falls to the ground,i close my eyes and take it without looking at its name

The reward screen showed up and my bounty was there

after that because i was so tired i went to sleep :D

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