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I Need Some Prior Info, Tips And Tricks On Saryn.



So I have been trying to get every single warframe for some time, and I am very close now. I decided, next one will be Saryn. I've hear good things about her and I have been rarely seeing it around, so i ame excited about her. But I have some auestions. First off, they say duration reduction works awesome on her, they say duration lower damage whereas fleeting exp actually adds damage. Is that true? Also I have been seeing that people say contagion doesnt do anything at high levels since it isnt stacked with melee damage, but i saw that on a video from u 8.1, so did that change? Also they say she can be a very tanky frame with hp and armor build, I did see the armor section but couldnt quite determine her effective health. Whats her hp and effective hp with max steel fiber and vitality ( i dont see a point in vigor)

So I already made a build on my mind:





Vitality max

Steel fiber max

Streamline max

Fleeting exp max

Intensify max

Blind Rage at -35 efficiency and 63 damage

Stretch max

Should it work fine?

I can swap molt and stretch for something else, that rage looks kinda good for so much effective hp

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10 answers to this question

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Miasma damage is calculated as:


Duration = 4*duration%

Damage per tick = 1500/duration

# of ticks = duration + 1


So minimizing duration% maximizes Miasma damage.


With a minimal duration, Venom doesn't do all that much damage. Its still useful for the Viral proc, which reduces enemy health by half,


Molt does damage when it dies, or when you cast a new molt and the old one is destroyed. The damage often (nearly always) stuns in a radius around it, so you can use it for the stun by manually detonating. It also poisons enemies around it, dealing constant toxin damage, which ignores shields. If it is desummoned naturally (timer runs out before it dies or you recast) it'll deal double damage.


Molt actually does a surprising amount of damage, I think the base is 1100. 


Contagion is not that useful right now, because melee is not that useful. IMO its still too costly compared to just nuking the area with Miasma. 



Because all of the abilities but Contagion can be spammed, efficiency is more important than power strength. IMO, the ideal setup is +57% power Strength +75% Efficiency.



Rage is awesome, ensures you always have energy when you need it. Between Steel Fiber and Vigor I would add Vigor, as its just slightly less ehp, but more renewable hp in shield form and more energy gain from Rage.




Saryn is most effective at Miasma spam. Hopefully a build for Contagion/Venom will be more useful in Melee 2.0.

Vigor is the wild card in the Miasma build there, swappable for Shields/Armor/Sprint/Equilibrium. D polarity works fine for Rejuv to synergize with Rage, I just love having CP on all my frames.

Edited by Darzk
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But, how come vigor? I mean steel fiber should theoretically double the effective health of saryn. If saryn gets around 1000 hp, that should be close to 2000 with max steel fiber, it looks like even more efficient than vitality. Also shield doesnt work all that well with rage from my persnal experience

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But, how come vigor? I mean steel fiber should theoretically double the effective health of saryn. If saryn gets around 1000 hp, that should be close to 2000 with max steel fiber, it looks like even more efficient than vitality. Also shield doesnt work all that well with rage from my persnal experience

i run a rage build on my saryn and nekros. it works wonders trust me. and you have the mod to regenerate the health back.

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With only vitality, Saryn has 1683.5 ehp from health+armor (2283.5 total).


Adding Steel Fiber adds 630 ehp.


Adding Vigor adds 420 ehp, but also 72 energy potential from Rage, and more of that EHP is easily recoverable (shields).


Redirection adds 880 ehp, but actually impedes energy regeneration from Vit/Rage combos.


Edit: A while back I made a highest ehp build for Saryn, back before Valkyr came out. It looks something like this:




Armor, Shields, and health alone is 4466 ehp, and Rage/Flow/QT adds another 1500 ehp, for a total of 5967 ehp.


Edit2: Nothing really compared to Valkyr's 16k ehp or Rhino's ~50k.

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I have my saryn with Energy Siphon, and then I use:




Blind rage (6/10)




Stretch /instead of Contagion, no forma takes 11 points),


With redirection and vitality she is quite beefy, miasma does decent amount of damage. However I would like to try her with fleeting expertise, because even though the venom DoT (Damage over Time) is significantly reduced it still stuns for 4 seconds, and it becomes spammable which can mean almost permanent stun against enemies. I have never used steel fiber, it is my opinion that with molt and hiding if required you have enough hp and shield to survive, but again I don't have rage...


Saryn is my most used frame and I recommend it to anyone, just turn everything to goo xD

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Darzk from what you wrote, i think steel fiber is much much more effective since Rage does convert damage on health to energy, not shields, so it should add more energy potential huh? I will definitely think about quick thinking too though, instead of stretch and rage instead of venom. But i need to rank up all of these mods anyway, so well a lot of work to do with steel fiber and vitality.

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Rage only converts health damage you take, not damage enemies do to you. So adding armor actually reduces the energy gain from enemy damage. You'll get the same energy returned before you die, just take more damage to return that same energy.


For example, with 75% efficiency it requires 25 energy to use Miasma, and thus requires I take 62.5 health damage before I can cast it, if I'm out of energy. Without Steel Fiber, enemies have to deal 95 damage to me before I've regained enough energy. With SF, I have to take 130 damage.


I would keep Stretch, the extra range is very useful for all abilities but Contagion, which you don't use.

A 45% increase in Radius is a +110% increase in affected Area.


Edit: I *would* keep Steel Fiber if you plan to use Quick Thinking, as armor value helps greatly once it's been activated.

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Have you considered using Miasma and modding for Duration and Range to give a 10 second, wide ranging stun?


You cant really get a great range on it, without losing Narrow Minded, and then its only a 8 second stun, and costs 70 energy. Even with NM and FE/St to bring the cost down to 25, the range is only 25 meters for a 10 second stun, and now you've used literally ALL your mod slots and points on ability enhancement, so NO room for health/shield mods which makes you VERY squishy, especially at high levels where you might want a cc build.


So yeah, you *can* build Miasma for CC, but why would you want to? Just use Xcalibur for double the range and half the cost.


Edit: -65% duration Miasma has one of the highest damage/energy ratios of any aoe ability in the game. Seems kinda pointless to ignore that and build away from it. 


FYI -65% duration +75% efficiency +57% PS is 161 dmg/energy/target.

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